Scrapeboard events checklist ============================ This is a list to look over while packing and before leaving for an event. For some events, some of these supplies may be unnecessary. For example, if the event uses a TV monitor, the projector wouldn't be necessary. Basics ------ * Platform: four metal/wood panels with attached wires * Skatedeck with attached metal pads * Arduino * Arduino USB cable * Laptop that can run Scrapeboard * Power for laptop * HDMI cable * PCB * Male-to-male PCB pin adapter (usually in the Arudino already) * Mini flat-head screwdriver * HDMI Projector * Projector screen * Regular flat-head screwdriver * Regular phillips-head screwdriver * Pliers * Mailing list clipboard Raspberry Pi ------------ The Raspberry Pi is the preferred way to run the game, but it's more untested than using a laptop and Arduino. Ideally, bring both the Arudino + laptop version and the Raspberry Pi one. * Raspberry Pi with Scrapeboard pre-installed and set to auto launch * Raspberry Pi power adapter * Micro-HDMI to HDMI cable * PCB * Mini phillips-head screwdriver * USB keyboard Sound ----- The projector's speaker can be used for audio, but when not using a projector, a bluetooth speaker should be included. * Bluetooth speaker with AUX input * AUX cable * USB charger for speaker Merch ----- * T-shirts * Stickers * Square credit card reader phone adapter Extras ------ * Backup platform * Backup skatedeck * Extra resistors * Extra speaker wire * Knife