# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # [SCRAPEBOARD] is an arcade game in development by [@diskmem] and [@snakesandrews] # # It requires custom hardware to play but can be tested in keyboard mode without the hardware. # For more information on setting up and running the game, see the README, or for the game in # general, visit https://scrape.nugget.fun/ # import argparse, pathlib, operator from random import randint, choice, random from math import pi from copy import copy from glob import iglob from os.path import basename, join from threading import Thread from time import sleep from PIL import Image import pygame from pygame import Surface, Color, mixer from pygame.event import clear from pygame.mixer import Sound from pygame.image import load, fromstring from pygame.transform import rotate, flip, scale, smoothscale from pygame.time import get_ticks from pygame.font import Font from pygame.draw import aalines, lines from pygame.gfxdraw import aapolygon, arc, polygon, aaellipse, ellipse, filled_ellipse, filled_circle from pygame.locals import * from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Game import Game from lib.pgfw.pgfw.GameChild import GameChild from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite, RainbowSprite from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Animation import Animation from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Vector import Vector from lib.pgfw.pgfw.extension import ( get_step, get_step_relative, get_delta, reflect_angle, get_distance, render_box, get_hsla_color, get_hue_shifted_surface, get_color_swapped_surface, load_frames, fill_colorkey, get_segments, get_boxed_surface ) from lib.pgfw.pgfw.gfx_extension import aa_filled_polygon class NS(Game, Animation): """ The main game object. It initializes and updates the title screen, boss manager, platform, dialog manager, screen wipe manager, main character, and more (see the objects initialized in __init__). It initializes and watches the Arduino serial port and listens for and responds to keyboard input. """ # Class variables that can be used to represent each of the four game pads. The L stands for "light", and the directions # indicate which pad is being identified. LNW, LNE, LSE, LSW = range(4) # Class variables that can be used to represent each of the six possible orientations of the board on the four pads: the # four sides of the square and the two diagonals. N, NE, E, NW, S, W = range(6) FRONT_WIDTH = 156 BACK_WIDTH = 271 LENGTH = 94 FRONT = 330 STEP = .4 IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60000 * 5 CHANNEL_COUNT = 8 NO_RESET_TIMEOUT = 3000 class Score: def __init__(self, milliseconds=None, level_index=None): self.milliseconds = milliseconds self.level_index = level_index @classmethod def from_string(cls, line: str): milliseconds, level_index = (int(field) for field in line.strip().split()) if level_index == -1: level_index = None return cls(milliseconds, level_index) @classmethod def level(cls, milliseconds: int, level_index: int): return cls(milliseconds, level_index) @classmethod def full(cls, milliseconds: int): return cls(milliseconds) @classmethod def blank_level(cls, level_index: int): return cls(level_index=level_index) @classmethod def blank_full(cls): return cls() def is_full(self): return self.level_index is None def formatted(self): if self.milliseconds is None: return "--:--.-" else: minutes, remainder = divmod(int(self.milliseconds), 60000) seconds, fraction = divmod(remainder, 1000) return f"{int(minutes)}:{int(seconds):02}.{fraction // 100}" def blank(self): return self.milliseconds is None def serialize(self): if self.level_index is None: serialized_level_index = -1 else: serialized_level_index = self.level_index return f"{self.milliseconds} {serialized_level_index}" def __str__(self): return self.formatted() def __repr__(self): return f"" def __lt__(self, other): if self.level_index == other.level_index: if self.milliseconds == other.milliseconds: return False elif self.blank() or other.blank(): return other.blank() else: return self.milliseconds < other.milliseconds else: if self.is_full() or other.is_full(): return other.is_full() else: return self.level_index < other.level_index def __init__(self): """ Parse the command line, set config types, initialize the serial reader, subscribe to events, and initialize child objects """ # Specify possible arguments and parse the command line. If the -h flag is passed, the argparse library will # print a help message and end the program. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--minimize-load-time", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--serial-port") parser.add_argument("--audio-buffer-size", type=int, default=1024) parser.add_argument("--list-serial-ports", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-serial", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--show-config", action="store_true") arguments = parser.parse_known_args()[0] # Pre-initialize the mixer to use the specified buffer size in bytes. The default is set to 1024 to prevent lagging # on the Raspberry Pi. pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 1024) # Pygame will be loaded in here. Game.__init__(self) # Add type declarations for non-string config name/value pairs that aren't in the default PGFW config dict. self.get_configuration().type_declarations.add_chart( { "time": { "int": ["timer-max-time", "timer-start-level-1", "timer-start-level-2", "timer-start-level-3", "timer-addition-level-1", "timer-addition-level-2", "timer-addition-level-3", "sword-delay", "attract-gif-length", "attract-board-length", "attract-reset-countdown", "level-select-reset-countdown", "level-select-press-length", "ending-timeout", "lizard-hurt-length"], "float": "timer-warning-start" }, "boss": { "float": ["damage-per-hit-level-1", "damage-per-hit-level-2", "damage-per-hit-level-3"], "int": ["cooldown-level-1", "cooldown-level-2", "cooldown-level-3", "first-combo-delay"] }, "input": { "bool": "serial" }, "display": { "float": "attract-gif-alpha", "bool": "effects" }, "system": { "bool": ["minimize-load-time", "enable-level-select"], "int": ["lives-boss-rush-mode", "lives-level-select-mode"] }, "pads": { "int-list": "center" } }) # If a serial port was passed on the command line, override the config file setting if arguments.serial_port is not None: self.get_configuration().set("input", "arduino-port", arguments.serial_port) # Command line flag requesting minimal load time overrides config file setting if arguments.minimize_load_time: self.get_configuration().set("system", "minimize-load-time", True) # Turn off effects if minimal load time is requested. Minimal load time setting overrides display effects setting. if self.get_configuration("system", "minimize-load-time"): self.get_configuration().set("display", "effects", False) # Apply the no serial flag from the command line if requested if arguments.no_serial: self.get_configuration().set("input", "serial", False) # Print the configuration if requested on the command line if arguments.show_config: print(self.get_configuration()) # Initialize the serial reader and launch a thread for reading from the serial port if self.serial_enabled(): from serial import Serial, SerialException from serial.tools import list_ports # If a list of serial ports was requested, print detected ports and exit. if arguments.list_serial_ports: for port in list_ports.comports(): print(f"Detected serial port: {port.device}") exit() # Open the port specified by the configuration or command line if it is found. If the specified port is not found, # open the first found serial port. If no serial ports are found, raise an exception. requested_port = self.get_configuration("input", "arduino-port") devices = [port.device for port in list_ports.comports()] if requested_port in devices: self.serial_reader = Serial(requested_port, timeout=.3) elif devices: self.serial_reader = Serial(devices[0], timeout=.3) else: raise SerialException("No serial port devices were detected. Use --no-serial for keyboard-only mode.") self.serial_kill = False self.serial_data = 0 self.reset_arduino() self.serial_thread = Thread(target=self.read_serial) self.serial_thread.start() Animation.__init__(self, self) # All events will pass through self.respond self.subscribe(self.respond, KEYDOWN) self.subscribe(self.respond, KEYUP) self.subscribe(self.respond) ds = self.get_display_surface() # Child objects for managing more specific parts of the game self.platform = Platform(self, self.get_configuration("pads", "center")) self.tony = Tony(self) self.logo = Logo(self) self.title = Title(self) self.wipe = Wipe(self) self.dialogue = Dialogue(self) self.chemtrails = Chemtrails(self) self.boss = Boss(self) self.level_select = LevelSelect(self) self.ending = Ending(self) self.last_press = get_ticks() self.register(self.blink_score, interval=500) self.register(self.close_pop_up) self.play(self.blink_score) self.reset() self.most_recent_score = None self.pop_up_font = pygame.font.Font(self.get_resource(Dialogue.FONT_PATH), 12) self.pop_up_text = "" # Start the score list with all blank scores self.scores = [] blank_count = 14 for level_index in range(3): for _ in range(blank_count): self.scores.append(NS.Score.blank_level(level_index)) for _ in range(blank_count): self.scores.append(NS.Score.blank_full()) # Add existing scores to the list from file with open(self.get_resource("scores"), "rt") as score_file: for line in score_file: if line.strip(): self.scores.append(NS.Score.from_string(line)) clear() def serial_enabled(self): return self.get_configuration("input", "serial") def read_serial(self): while not self.serial_kill: name = self.get_configuration("input", "arduino-port") try: transmission = self.serial_reader.readline().strip() print(transmission) except: print("Serial not ready... passing...") transmission = "" if len(transmission) == 4: try: self.serial_data = int(transmission, 2) except ValueError: print("Value error checking four digit serial transmission") self.handle_garbage(transmission) self.reset_arduino() self.idle_elapsed = 0 elif len(transmission) > 0: try: int(transmission, 2) except ValueError: print("Received a non-four digit serial transmission") self.handle_garbage(transmission) else: self.serial_data = 0 def handle_garbage(self, transmission): self.serial_data = 0 print("Garbage detected: %s" % transmission) self.serial_reader.reset_input_buffer() def reset_arduino(self): if self.serial_enabled(): self.serial_reader.dtr = False self.serial_reader.reset_input_buffer() self.serial_reader.dtr = True def end(self, evt): if evt.type == QUIT or self.delegate.compare(evt, "quit"): self.serial_kill = True Game.end(self, evt) def apply_serial(self): for ii, light in enumerate(self.platform.lights): light.pressed = bool(self.serial_data & (2 ** ii)) # reset idle timer if a light is detected as pressed in serial data if light.pressed: self.idle_elapsed = 0 def reset(self, leave_wipe_running=False): self.score_hidden = False self.idle_elapsed = 0 self.suppressing_input = False self.level_select.reset() self.title.reset() if not leave_wipe_running: self.wipe.reset() self.boss.reset() self.chemtrails.reset() self.platform.reset() self.dialogue.reset() self.ending.reset() self.no_reset_elapsed = 0 self.title.activate() def blink_score(self): self.score_hidden = not self.score_hidden def suppress_input(self): self.suppressing_input = True # self.platform.unpress() def unsuppress_input(self): self.suppressing_input = False def respond(self, event): """ Respond to keyboard input. ___ ___ | O| P| These keyboard keys correspond to the floor pads. |___|___| (O = top left pad, P = top right pad, L = bottom left pad, ; = bottom right pad) | L| ;| Arrow keys can also be used. |___|___| (UP = top left pad, RIGHT = top right pad, DOWN = bottom left pad, LEFT = bottom right pad) The Z key is a shortcut for reset (F8 also resets). The A key force resets the connected Arduino (or does nothing if no Arduino is connected). """ if not self.suppressing_input and event.type in (KEYDOWN, KEYUP): if self.last_press <= get_ticks() - int(self.get_configuration("input", "buffer")): pressed = True if event.type == KEYDOWN else False lights = self.platform.lights self.idle_elapsed = 0 if event.key in (K_UP, K_o): lights[NS.LNW].pressed = pressed elif event.key in (K_RIGHT, K_p): lights[NS.LNE].pressed = pressed elif event.key in (K_DOWN, K_SEMICOLON): lights[NS.LSE].pressed = pressed elif event.key in (K_LEFT, K_l): lights[NS.LSW].pressed = pressed elif event.key == K_z: self.reset() elif event.key == K_a: self.reset_arduino() self.last_press = get_ticks() else: if self.get_delegate().compare(event, "reset-game"): self.reset() def pop_up(self, text): """ Trigger a pop up message that displays for a certain amount of time before being closed automatically. Adds a line of text to a variable that contains all pop up messages in case there is a previously sent message that needs to continue being displayed. @param text message to display """ self.pop_up_text += f"{text}\n" self.halt(self.close_pop_up) self.play(self.close_pop_up, play_once=True, delay=3000) def close_pop_up(self): """ Close the pop up message by removing all text from the pop up text variable. This will cause the pop up to stop being drawn each frame. """ self.pop_up_text = "" def add_time_to_scores(self, milliseconds: int, level_index=None): """ Add a time to the list of scores. This method will build a score object, add it to the list, and write to the scores file. @param milliseconds player's time in milliseconds @param level_index the level this time corresponds to or None for a full game """ if level_index is None: score = NS.Score.full(milliseconds) else: score = NS.Score.level(milliseconds, level_index) self.scores.append(score) self.most_recent_score = score with open(self.get_resource("scores"), "wt") as score_file: for score in sorted(self.scores): if not score.blank(): score_file.write(f"{score.serialize()}\n") def update(self): Animation.update(self) last_frame_duration = self.time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() if self.serial_enabled(): self.apply_serial() if self.title.active or self.ending.active or self.dialogue.active: self.no_reset_elapsed += last_frame_duration # If we received good input, reset the auto reset timer if 0b11 <= self.serial_data <= 0b1100: self.no_reset_elapsed = 0 if self.no_reset_elapsed >= self.NO_RESET_TIMEOUT: print("auto arduino reset triggered") self.reset_arduino() self.no_reset_elapsed = 0 self.title.update() self.level_select.update() self.ending.update() self.boss.update() if not self.title.active: self.platform.update() self.chemtrails.update() self.boss.update_dialogue() self.wipe.update() # Draw the pop up text line by line if there is any pop_up_y = 0 for line in self.pop_up_text.split("\n"): if line: surface = self.pop_up_font.render(line, False, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) self.get_display_surface().blit(surface, (0, pop_up_y)) pop_up_y += surface.get_height() self.idle_elapsed += self.time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() if self.idle_elapsed >= self.IDLE_TIMEOUT: self.reset() class LevelSelect(Animation): """ Display the available levels. Initialize a platform for each level and display each platform beneath its level glowing with a pair of pads to press to start that level. Wait for user input, then launch the level of the pair that gets pressed by the user. """ def __init__(self, parent): Animation.__init__(self, parent) self.subscribe(self.respond, KEYDOWN) self.register(self.timeout) y = 250 indent = 10 dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.platforms = [Platform(self, (0, y)), Platform(self, (0, y)), Platform(self, (0, y))] scale = .75 for platform in self.platforms: for ii, frame in enumerate(platform.view.frames): scaled = pygame.transform.smoothscale(frame, (int(frame.get_width() * scale), int(frame.get_height() * scale))) platform.view.frames[ii] = scaled platform.view.get_current_frameset().measure_rect() platform.view.update_location_size() for corner in platform.glow_masks: for ii, frame in enumerate(corner): scaled = pygame.transform.smoothscale(frame, (int(frame.get_width() * scale), int(frame.get_height() * scale))) corner[ii] = scaled self.platforms[0].view.location.left = dsr.left + indent self.platforms[1].view.location.centerx = dsr.centerx self.platforms[2].view.location.right = dsr.right - indent self.platforms[0].set_glowing((NS.LNW, NS.LSE)) self.platforms[1].set_glowing((NS.LNW, NS.LSW)) self.platforms[2].set_glowing((NS.LNW, NS.LNE)) preview_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, dsr.w / 3 - 40, 160) self.previews = [] font = pygame.font.Font(self.get_resource(Dialogue.FONT_PATH), 18) padding = 4 for level_index, text in enumerate(("NORMAL", "ADVANCED", "EXPERT")): self.previews.append(Sprite(self, 100)) text = font.render(text, True, (255, 255, 255)) text = pygame.transform.rotate(text, 90) text_rect = text.get_rect() text_rect.midleft = preview_rect.midleft environment = pygame.transform.smoothscale( self.get_game().boss.backgrounds[level_index].frames[0], (preview_rect.w - text_rect.w - padding, preview_rect.h - padding * 2)) environment_rect = environment.get_rect() environment_rect.midright = preview_rect.right - padding, preview_rect.centery boss = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.get_game().boss.level_sprite(level_index).frames[0], environment_rect.inflate(-64, -28).size) boss_rect = boss.get_rect() boss_rect.center = environment_rect.center for hue in range(0, 360, 8): frame = pygame.Surface(preview_rect.size) color = Color(0, 0, 0) color.hsla = hue, 100, 50, 100 frame.fill(color) frame.blit(text, text_rect) frame.blit(environment, environment_rect) frame.blit(boss, boss_rect) self.previews[-1].add_frame(frame) self.previews[-1].location.midbottom = self.platforms[level_index].view.location.centerx, \ self.platforms[level_index].view.location.top - 12 def activate(self): self.active = True for platform in self.platforms: platform.activate() self.start_timeout_countdown() def deactivate(self): self.active = False for platform in self.platforms: platform.deactivate() def reset(self): self.deactivate() self.level_index_selected = None self.zoom = 1.0 self.grow_sound_channel = None for level_index in range(3): self.platforms[level_index].view.unhide() self.previews[level_index].unhide() self.halt() def respond(self, event): """ Respond to CTRL + key presses to launch a level or toggle level select mode """ level_index = None if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: if event.key in (pygame.K_1, pygame.K_2, pygame.K_3): self.launch(event.key - pygame.K_1) elif event.key == pygame.K_l: level_select_enabled = not self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select") self.get_configuration().set("system", "enable-level-select", level_select_enabled) self.get_game().pop_up(f"Level select mode set to {level_select_enabled}") def launch(self, index): """ Start a level through the boss object """ self.get_game().boss.start_level(index) self.deactivate() def launch_selected_index(self): """ Launch level index stored in the member variable """ self.launch(self.level_index_selected) def start_timeout_countdown(self): """ Launch an animation on a delay that will reset the game after the delay. If the countdown is already active, reset the countdown. """ self.halt(self.timeout) self.play(self.timeout, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "level-select-reset-countdown"), play_once=True) def timeout(self): """ Reset to the title screen """ self.get_game().wipe.start(self.get_game().reset, leave_wipe_running=True) def update(self): if self.active: Animation.update(self) self.get_game().logo.update() for ii, preview in enumerate(self.previews): if ii != self.level_index_selected: preview.update() if self.level_index_selected is None: for level_index, platform in enumerate(self.platforms): if platform.get_glowing_edge() == self.get_game().platform.get_edge_pressed(): if self.get_game().platform.press_elapsed > self.get_configuration("time", "level-select-press-length"): # This will cause the level to launch self.level_index_selected = level_index if self.grow_sound_channel is not None: self.grow_sound_channel.stop() self.grow_sound_channel = None break else: if self.grow_sound_channel is None: self.grow_sound_channel = self.get_audio().play_sfx("grow", -1, x=platform.view.location.centerx) # Draw a growing ring around the currently pressed level angle = self.get_game().platform.press_elapsed / self.get_configuration("time", "level-select-press-length") * 2 * pi diameter = self.previews[level_index].location.height + 21 rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, diameter, diameter) rect.center = self.previews[level_index].location.center offset = 0 while offset < .2: if offset < angle: pygame.draw.arc(self.get_display_surface(), (255, 255, 255), rect, offset, angle, 14) offset += .01 if self.level_index_selected is not None: # Launch the level for level_index in range(3): if level_index != self.level_index_selected: self.platforms[level_index].view.play(self.platforms[level_index].view.wipe_out) self.previews[level_index].play(self.previews[level_index].wipe_out, interval=100) self.get_audio().play_sfx("complete_pattern_3") elif not self.get_game().wipe.is_playing() and any(preview.is_hidden() for preview in self.previews): self.get_game().wipe.start(self.launch_selected_index) for platform in self.platforms: platform.update() if self.level_index_selected is not None: preview = self.previews[self.level_index_selected] self.zoom += 0.1 frame = pygame.transform.scale( preview.get_current_frame(), (int(preview.location.w * self.zoom), int(preview.location.h * self.zoom))) rect = frame.get_rect() rect.center = preview.location.center preview.update() self.get_display_surface().blit(frame, rect) # If input in the player's platform detected reset the automatic game reset countdown if self.get_game().platform.get_pressed(): self.start_timeout_countdown() elif self.grow_sound_channel is not None: self.grow_sound_channel.stop() self.grow_sound_channel = None class Button(Sprite): MARGIN = 2 BLANK = (200, 200, 200) def __init__(self, parent, edge, size, border): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) colors = self.get_game().platform.get_color_pair_from_edge(edge) width = size * 2 + self.MARGIN + border * 4 step = width / 2 + self.MARGIN / 2 rect_width = width / 2 - self.MARGIN / 2 rects = Rect(0, 0, rect_width, rect_width), \ Rect(step, 0, rect_width, rect_width), \ Rect(step, step, rect_width, rect_width), \ Rect(0, step, rect_width, rect_width) if edge == NS.N: colored = rects[0], rects[1] elif edge == NS.NE: colored = rects[1], rects[3] elif edge == NS.E: colored = rects[1], rects[2] elif edge == NS.NW: colored = rects[0], rects[2] elif edge == NS.S: colored = rects[3], rects[2] elif edge == NS.W: colored = rects[0], rects[3] for lightness in range(30, 90, 5): frame = Surface((width, width), SRCALPHA) for topleft in (0, 0), (step, 0), (step, step), (0, step): rect = Rect(topleft, (rect_width, rect_width)) border_color = Color(*self.BLANK) border_color.a = 179 frame.fill(border_color, rect) frame.fill((0, 0, 0, 0), rect.inflate(-border * 2, -border * 2)) for ii in range(2): original_color = Color(*colors[ii]) original_color.a = 255 edited_color = Color(0, 0, 0) edited_color.hsla = int(original_color.hsla[0]), int(original_color.hsla[1]), \ lightness, 70 frame.fill(edited_color, colored[ii]) frame.fill(original_color, colored[ii].inflate(-border * 2, -border * 2)) self.add_frame(frame) class Meter(GameChild): SPACING = 12 def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) def setup(self, background, rect, indent, color, units, path): self.background = background self.rect = rect self.icons = [] x = rect.left + indent base = get_color_swapped_surface( load(self.get_resource(path)).convert_alpha(), (0, 0, 0), color) while x <= self.rect.right - base.get_width() - self.SPACING: icon = Sprite(self) icon.add_frame(base) icon.location.midleft = x, self.rect.centery self.icons.append(icon) x += icon.location.w + self.SPACING self.units = units def reset(self): self.amount = self.units for icon in self.icons: icon.unhide() def change(self, delta): self.amount += delta cutoff = float(self.amount) / self.units * len(self.icons) for ii, icon in enumerate(self.icons): if ii < cutoff: icon.unhide() else: icon.hide() def percent(self): """ Return amount as a percent of the full amount """ return self.amount / self.units def update(self): ds = self.get_display_surface() ds.blit(self.background, self.rect) for icon in self.icons: icon.update() class Tony(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent, 100, False) self.board = Sprite(self, 100) self.board.load_from_path(self.get_resource("newTony/TonyArms"), True) self.effect = Sprite(self) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() if self.get_configuration("display", "effects"): for offset in range(12): w, h = dsr.w + 40, int(dsr.h * .65) glow = Surface((w, h), SRCALPHA) for ii, y in enumerate(range(h, 0, -8)): hue = range(240, 200, -2)[(ii - offset) % 12] alpha = min(100, int(round(y / float(h - 10) * 100))) color = get_hsla_color(hue, 100, 50, alpha) if ii == 0: aaellipse(glow, w // 2, y, w // 2 - 4, h // 20, color) ellipse(glow, w // 2, y, w // 2 - 4, h // 20, color) filled_ellipse(glow, w // 2, y, w // 2 - 4, h // 20, color) self.effect.add_frame(glow) self.effect.location.topleft = -20, int(dsr.h * .35) self.add_frame(load(self.get_resource("Big_Tony.png")).convert_alpha()) self.load_from_path(self.get_resource("newTony/TonyShirtHead"), True) self.add_frameset([0], name="static") self.add_frameset(range(1, len(self.frames)), name="board") self.taunts = [] for sfx_name in self.get_audio().sfx: if sfx_name.startswith("TonyTauntsBend_"): self.taunts.append(sfx_name) self.location.centerx = dsr.centerx self.board.location.centerx = self.location.centerx def set_frameset(self, name): Sprite.set_frameset(self, name) self.get_current_frameset().reset() self.set_framerate(100) if name == "board": self.board.get_current_frameset().reset() self.board.unhide() self.board.set_framerate(100) self.board.halt() elif name == "static": self.board.hide() def shift_frame(self): Sprite.shift_frame(self) frameset = self.get_current_frameset() if frameset.name == "board" and frameset.current_index == 1: self.get_audio().play_sfx(choice(self.taunts)) def update(self): save = self.get_display_surface() intermediate_surface = Surface(self.location.size, SRCALPHA) self.display_surface = intermediate_surface location_save = self.location.copy() self.location.topleft = 0, 0 Sprite.update(self) self.display_surface = save self.location = location_save self.effect.display_surface = intermediate_surface self.effect.update(flags=BLEND_RGBA_SUB) self.get_display_surface().blit(intermediate_surface, self.location.topleft) if self.get_game().title.active: self.get_game().title.video.update() self.get_game().platform.update() self.get_game().chemtrails.update() frameset = self.get_current_frameset() if frameset.name == "board": self.board.get_current_frameset().current_index = frameset.current_index if frameset.current_index == len(frameset.order) - 1: self.set_framerate(3000) else: self.set_framerate(100) self.board.update() class Video(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent, diameter, next_video_chance=.01): Sprite.__init__(self, parent, 100) self.next_video_chance = next_video_chance pattern = join(self.get_resource("gif"), "Boarding_*.gif") gifs = [] for path in iglob(pattern): gifs.append(Image.open(path)) print(gifs[-1].info) self.gif_index = 0 self.mask = Surface([diameter] * 2, SRCALPHA) rect = self.mask.get_rect() alpha = int(self.get_configuration("display", "attract-gif-alpha") * 255) filled_circle(self.mask, rect.centerx, rect.centery, rect.centerx, (0, 0, 0, alpha)) filled_circle(self.mask, rect.centerx, rect.centery, rect.centerx - 2, (255, 255, 255, alpha)) self.add_frame(self.mask) if not self.get_configuration("system", "minimize-load-time"): self.play() # preload GIF frames scaled instead of loading each frame like before self.gif_frames_scaled = [] for gif in gifs: self.gif_frames_scaled.append([]) for ii in range(0, gif.n_frames): gif.seek(ii) frame_scaled = smoothscale( fromstring(gif.convert("RGBA").tobytes(), gif.size, "RGBA"), (self.mask.get_width(), int(gif.width * gif.height / self.mask.get_width()))) copy = self.mask.copy() rect = frame_scaled.get_rect() rect.bottom = copy.get_rect().bottom copy.blit(frame_scaled, rect, None, BLEND_RGBA_MIN) self.gif_frames_scaled[-1].append(copy) self.load_selection() def load_selection(self): self.clear_frames() for frame in self.gif_frames_scaled[self.gif_index]: self.add_frame(frame) def shift_frame(self): Sprite.shift_frame(self) if random() < self.next_video_chance: while True: selection = choice(range(0, len(self.gif_frames_scaled))) if selection != self.gif_index: self.gif_index = selection self.load_selection() break class Logo(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.load_from_path(self.get_resource("Title_tile.png"), True) for y in range(0, dsr.h + self.location.h, self.location.h): for x in range(0, dsr.w + self.location.w, self.location.w): if x != 0 or y != 0: self.add_location((x, y)) self.effect = Sprite(self, 100) palette = (255, 255, 255), (255, 255, 128), (255, 255, 0) thickness = 8 for offset in range(len(palette)): frame = Surface(dsr.size) for x in range(0, dsr.w, thickness): frame.fill(palette[(offset + x) % len(palette)], (x, 0, thickness, dsr.h)) self.effect.add_frame(frame) def update(self): self.effect.update() # tiled background self.move(-2, 2) if self.location.right < 0: self.move(self.location.w) if self.location.top > 0: self.move(dy=-self.location.h) Sprite.update(self, flags=BLEND_RGBA_MIN) class Title(Animation): """ Handles displaying and drawing the title screen. """ UNLOCK_MOVES = NS.NW, NS.N, NS.NE, NS.S def __init__(self, parent): Animation.__init__(self, parent) ds = self.get_display_surface() dsr = ds.get_rect() self.angle = pi / 8 self.video = Video(self, 320) self.video.location.center = 329, 182 self.register(self.show_video, self.hide_video) self.show_video() def reset(self): self.unlock_index = 0 self.get_game().platform.set_glowing(self.get_game().platform.get_buttons_from_edges([self.UNLOCK_MOVES[0]])) self.halt() self.show_video() def activate(self): self.active = True platform = self.get_game().platform platform.activate() platform.set_glowing(platform.get_buttons_from_edges([self.UNLOCK_MOVES[self.unlock_index]])) self.get_game().chemtrails.activate() self.get_game().tony.set_frameset("static") self.get_audio().play_bgm("title") def deactivate(self): self.active = False self.halt() def start_game(self): """ Turn off the title screen and either display the level select or start level one if level select is disabled. Set the most recent time to None so the most recent high score stops blinking. """ self.deactivate() self.get_game().most_recent_score = None if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): self.get_game().level_select.activate() else: self.get_game().level_select.launch(0) def draw_scores(self): step = 56 ds = self.get_display_surface() if not self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): entries = ["BEST"] + sorted([score for score in self.get_game().scores if score.is_full()])[:15] else: entries = ["NORMAL"] + sorted([score for score in self.get_game().scores if score.level_index == 0])[:3] + \ ["ADVANCED"] + sorted([score for score in self.get_game().scores if score.level_index == 1])[:3] + \ ["EXPERT"] + sorted([score for score in self.get_game().scores if score.level_index == 2])[:7] for ii, entry in enumerate(entries): if ii == 0 or ii == 8: y = 20 font = Font(self.get_resource(Dialogue.FONT_PATH), 18) if isinstance(entry, NS.Score): text = entry.formatted() else: text = entry message = render_box(font, text, True, Color(255, 255, 255), Color(128, 128, 128), Color(0, 0, 0), padding=2) message.set_alpha(230) rect = message.get_rect() rect.top = y if ii < 8: rect.left = -1 else: rect.right = ds.get_width() + 1 if not entry == self.get_game().most_recent_score or not self.get_game().score_hidden: ds.blit(message, rect) y += step def show_video(self): self.video.unhide() self.play(self.hide_video, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "attract-gif-length"), play_once=True) self.get_game().tony.set_frameset("static") self.unlock_index = 0 self.get_game().platform.set_glowing(self.get_game().platform.get_buttons_from_edges([self.UNLOCK_MOVES[0]])) def hide_video(self): self.video.hide() self.play(self.show_video, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "attract-board-length"), play_once=True) self.get_game().tony.set_frameset("board") def update(self): """ Scroll the background, check for button presses for the unlock pattern, handle switching between attract mode with the GIFs active and unlocking pattern mode, and draw the screen """ Animation.update(self) if self.active: ds = self.get_display_surface() dsr = ds.get_rect() self.get_game().logo.update() # Advance through the unlock pattern platform = self.get_game().platform if not self.get_game().wipe.is_playing() and platform.get_edge_pressed() == self.UNLOCK_MOVES[self.unlock_index]: if self.unlock_index == len(self.UNLOCK_MOVES) - 1: platform.set_glowing([]) self.get_game().wipe.start(self.start_game) self.get_audio().play_sfx("confirm") else: self.unlock_index += 1 platform.set_glowing(platform.get_buttons_from_edges([self.UNLOCK_MOVES[self.unlock_index]])) self.get_audio().play_sfx("land_0") self.get_game().tony.update() # Bounce the GIF around the screen if self.video.location.right > dsr.right or self.video.location.left < dsr.left: self.angle = reflect_angle(self.angle, 0) if self.video.location.right > dsr.right: self.video.move(dsr.right - self.video.location.right) else: self.video.move(dsr.left - self.video.location.left) if self.video.location.bottom > dsr.bottom or self.video.location.top < dsr.top: self.angle = reflect_angle(self.angle, pi) if self.video.location.bottom > dsr.bottom: self.video.move(dy=dsr.bottom - self.video.location.bottom) else: self.video.move(dy=dsr.top - self.video.location.top) dx, dy = get_delta(self.angle, 5, False) self.video.move(dx, dy) # Hide GIFs/attract mode (or keep them hidden) if input is detected. Set a countdown that will turn # attract mode back on if no input is detected before the countdown expires. As long as input keeps # being detected, this block will keep running and restarting the countdown. if platform.get_pressed(): self.video.hide() self.get_game().tony.set_frameset("static") self.halt() self.play(self.show_video, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "attract-reset-countdown"), play_once=True) # self.video.update() self.draw_scores() class Dialogue(Animation): """ This class creates the graphics for displaying character dialog. It displays an avatar, a character name, and a box with the dialog text in classic RPG format. It uses the Animation class to scroll the text onto the screen with a sound effect to mimic talking. """ BACKGROUND = 255, 255, 255 BORDER = 0, 0, 0 TEXT_COLOR = 0, 0, 0 FONT_PATH = "rounded-mplus-1m-bold.ttf" FONT_SIZE = 18 def __init__(self, parent): Animation.__init__(self, parent) ds = self.get_display_surface() dsr = ds.get_rect() frame = Surface((dsr.w, 72)) frame.fill(self.BORDER) frame.fill(self.BACKGROUND, (1, 1, frame.get_width() - 2, frame.get_height() - 2)) self.text_box = Sprite(self) self.text_box.add_frame(frame) self.text_box.location.bottomleft = dsr.bottomleft frame = Surface((66, 66)) frame.fill(self.BORDER) frame.fill(self.BACKGROUND, (1, 1, frame.get_width() - 2, frame.get_height() - 2)) self.avatar_box = Sprite(self) self.avatar_box.add_frame(frame) self.avatar_box.location.bottomleft = self.text_box.location.topleft frame = Surface((128, 24)) frame.fill(self.BORDER) frame.fill(self.BACKGROUND, (1, 1, frame.get_width() - 2, frame.get_height() - 2)) self.name_box = Sprite(self) self.name_box.add_frame(frame) self.name_box.location.bottomleft = self.avatar_box.location.bottomright self.speech_channel = None def reset(self): self.stop_speech() self.halt() self.deactivate() self.first_pressed = False self.first_press_elapsed = 0 def stop_speech(self): if self.speech_channel is not None: self.speech_channel.stop() self.speech_channel = None def deactivate(self): self.stop_speech() self.active = False def activate(self): self.active = True def set_avatar(self, image): self.avatar = Sprite(self) self.avatar.add_frame(image) self.avatar.location.center = self.avatar_box.location.center def set_name(self, text): font = Font(self.get_resource(self.FONT_PATH), self.FONT_SIZE) self.name = Sprite(self) self.name.add_frame(font.render(text, True, self.TEXT_COLOR).convert_alpha()) self.name.location.midleft = self.name_box.location.left + 5, self.name_box.location.centery def show_text(self, text): self.full_text = text self.text_index = 0 self.speech_channel = self.get_audio().play_sfx("talk", -1) self.play() def build_frame(self): self.text_index += 2 if self.text_index >= len(self.full_text): self.show_all() def show_all(self): self.stop_speech() self.text_index = len(self.full_text) self.halt() def update(self): if self.active: Animation.update(self) self.avatar_box.update() self.avatar.update() self.name_box.update() self.name.update() self.text_box.update() font = Font(self.get_resource(self.FONT_PATH), self.FONT_SIZE) message = Sprite(self) lines = self.full_text[:self.text_index].split("\n") frame = Surface((self.text_box.location.w - 10, 30 * len(lines)), SRCALPHA) for ii, line in enumerate(lines): surface = font.render(line, True, self.TEXT_COLOR).convert_alpha() frame.blit(surface, (0, 30 * ii)) message.add_frame(frame) message.location.topleft = self.text_box.location.left + 9, self.text_box.location.top + 8 message.update() class SkipPrompt(GameChild): def __init__(self, parent, callback): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.callback = callback self.buttons = [] self.pluses = [] top = 3 left = 3 for ii, edge in enumerate((NS.S, NS.NE, NS.W)): self.buttons.append(Button(self, edge, AdvancePrompt.BUTTON_SIZE, AdvancePrompt.BUTTON_BORDER)) self.buttons[-1].location.topleft = left, top if ii < 2: self.pluses.append(Sprite(self)) self.pluses[-1].load_from_path(self.get_resource("Plus.png"), True) self.pluses[-1].location.center = ( self.buttons[-1].location.right + AdvancePrompt.BUTTON_SPACING / 2, self.buttons[-1].location.centery) left += self.buttons[-1].location.width + AdvancePrompt.BUTTON_SPACING self.text = Sprite(self) font = Font(self.get_resource(Dialogue.FONT_PATH), 18) self.text.add_frame(font.render("TO SKIP", True, (0, 0, 0)).convert_alpha()) self.text.location.midleft = ( self.buttons[2].location.right + 5, self.buttons[2].location.centery) self.button_sound = self.get_audio().sfx["button"] def reset(self): self.press_index = 0 self.press_elapsed = 0 for button in self.buttons: button.unhide() for plus in self.pluses: plus.unhide() def update(self): platform = self.get_game().platform if self.press_index == 0 and platform.get_edge_pressed() == NS.S: self.press_index += 1 self.button_sound.play() self.buttons[0].hide() self.pluses[0].hide() elif self.press_index == 1 and platform.get_edge_pressed() == NS.NE: self.press_index += 1 self.button_sound.play() self.buttons[1].hide() self.pluses[1].hide() elif self.press_index == 2 and platform.get_edge_pressed() == NS.W: self.callback() self.get_audio().play_sfx("confirm") elif self.press_index > 0: self.press_elapsed += self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() if self.press_elapsed > 4000: self.reset() for button in self.buttons: button.update() for plus in self.pluses: plus.update() self.text.update() class AdvancePrompt(GameChild): BUTTON_SIZE = 30 BUTTON_BORDER = 3 BUTTON_SPACING = 64 def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.buttons = Button(self, NS.N, self.BUTTON_SIZE, self.BUTTON_BORDER), \ Button(self, NS.NW, self.BUTTON_SIZE, self.BUTTON_BORDER) self.plus = Sprite(self) self.plus.load_from_path(self.get_resource("Plus.png"), True) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.plus.location.center = dsr.centerx, dsr.centery + 70 self.buttons[1].location.center = self.plus.location.move(self.BUTTON_SPACING, 0).center self.buttons[0].location.center = self.plus.location.move(-self.BUTTON_SPACING, 0).center self.background_rect = Rect( self.buttons[0].location.topleft, (self.buttons[1].location.right - self.buttons[0].location.left, self.buttons[0].location.height)) self.background_rect.inflate_ip((10, 10)) def reset(self): self.cancel_first_press() for button in self.buttons: button.unhide() self.plus.unhide() def cancel_first_press(self): self.first_pressed = False self.first_pressed_elapsed = 0 self.buttons[0].unhide() self.plus.unhide() def check_first_press(self): return not self.first_pressed and self.get_game().platform.get_edge_pressed() == NS.N def press_first(self): self.first_pressed = True self.buttons[0].hide() self.plus.hide() self.get_audio().play_sfx("button") def check_second_press(self): pressed = self.first_pressed and self.get_game().platform.get_edge_pressed() == NS.NW if pressed: self.get_audio().play_sfx("confirm") return pressed def update(self): if self.first_pressed: self.first_pressed_elapsed += self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() self.get_display_surface().fill((255, 255, 255), self.background_rect) for button in self.buttons: button.update() self.plus.update() class Wipe(Animation): """ This class creates a blinds screen wipe effect that can be given a callback function to be called exactly when the screen is filled with the wipe graphic. This allows the game to transition between states behind the wipe graphic to create a curtain effect. """ BLIND_COUNT = 4 SPEED = 6 def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialize the wipe image and sound effect @param parent PGFW game object that instantiated the wipe """ Animation.__init__(self, parent) self.image = load(self.get_resource("Ink.png")).convert() self.sound = self.get_audio().sfx["wipe"] self.callback_kwargs = {} def reset(self): """ Deactivate and stop the animation """ self.deactivate() self.halt() def deactivate(self): self.active = False def activate(self): self.active = True def start(self, callback, **kwargs): """ Trigger the wipe animation to begin. The given callback function will be called when the screen is filled with the wipe graphic. @param callback function to be called when the wipe is covering the screen """ self.activate() self.up = True self.blind_height = self.get_display_surface().get_height() / self.BLIND_COUNT self.callback = callback self.callback_kwargs = kwargs self.play() self.sound.play() def build_frame(self): """ This grows and shrinks the height of the blinds that control how much of the wipe graphic is currently displayed. It will be called automatically every frame as long as the wipe's update method is being called. """ if self.up: self.blind_height -= self.SPEED if self.blind_height <= 0: self.up = False self.callback(**self.callback_kwargs) else: self.blind_height += self.SPEED if self.blind_height >= self.get_display_surface().get_height() / self.BLIND_COUNT: self.halt() self.deactivate() self.get_game().unsuppress_input() def update(self): """ Use the blind height value and screen clipping to draw the screen wipe in the state indicated by the blind height. The screen is clipped to rects based on the blind height, and only those rects will have the wipe graphic drawn. Other screen areas will show what is being drawn behind the screen wipe. """ if self.active: Animation.update(self) ds = self.get_display_surface() dsr = ds.get_rect() for y in range(0, dsr.h, dsr.h // self.BLIND_COUNT): if self.up: ds.set_clip((0, y, dsr.w, dsr.h // self.BLIND_COUNT - self.blind_height)) else: ds.set_clip((0, y + self.blind_height, dsr.w, dsr.h // self.BLIND_COUNT - self.blind_height)) ds.blit(self.image, (0, 0)) ds.set_clip(None) class Platform(GameChild): """ This class contains methods for manipulating and getting information about the platform the player is standing on, both the real one and on-screen representation. It initializes four Light objects, one for each pad on the platform. It can set lights to glowing, return the states of individual lights or pairs of lights, reset lights, draw the on-screen representation, and track how long an edge has been continuously pressed. """ def __init__(self, parent, center): """ Initialize four lights, one for each pad on the platform. Initialize a Sprite for the pad graphics with one frameset per six possible combinations of lights. Initialize masks for creating a glow effect on the pads. @param parent PGFW game object that initialized this object @param center tuple that gives the (x, y) screen coordinates of this platform """ GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.lights = [ Light(self, self.get_configuration("pads", "nw_color"), NS.LNW), Light(self, self.get_configuration("pads", "ne_color"), NS.LNE), Light(self, self.get_configuration("pads", "se_color"), NS.LSE), Light(self, self.get_configuration("pads", "sw_color"), NS.LSW) ] self.view = Sprite(self) self.view.load_from_path("pad", True) self.view.add_frameset([0], name="neutral") self.view.add_frameset([1], name=str(NS.N)) self.view.add_frameset([2], name=str(NS.E)) self.view.add_frameset([3], name=str(NS.NW)) self.view.add_frameset([4], name=str(NS.NE)) self.view.add_frameset([5], name=str(NS.W)) self.view.add_frameset([6], name=str(NS.S)) self.view.location.center = center self.glow_masks = [] base_images = load_frames(self.get_resource("pad_mask"), True) for image in base_images: self.glow_masks.append([image]) for mask in self.glow_masks: intensity_resolution = 12 for intensity in range(1, intensity_resolution): copy = mask[0].copy() pixels = pygame.PixelArray(copy) color = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0) h, s, l, a = color.hsla l = int(intensity / intensity_resolution * 100) color.hsla = h, s, l, a pixels.replace(pygame.Color(0, 0, 0), color) del pixels mask.append(copy) def reset(self): """ Deactivate this object and reset each light. Reset press elapsed tracker. """ self.deactivate() self.reset_lights() self.previously_pressed_edge = None self.press_elapsed = 0 def reset_lights(self): for light in self.lights: light.reset() def deactivate(self): """ This will stop the platform from being drawn and lights from updating """ self.active = False def activate(self): """ This will cause the platform to get drawn and lights to update when this object's update method is called """ self.active = True def unpress(self): """ Set the state of each light to unpressed """ for light in self.lights: light.pressed = False def get_pressed(self): """ Returns a list of light positions pressed (NS.LNW, NS.LNE, NS.LSE, NS.LSW) """ return [light.position for light in self.lights if light.pressed] def get_edge_pressed(self): """ Gets the edge (2 light combination) currently pressed. This only returns one edge since there should only be one able to be pressed at a time. If no edge is pressed, returns None. @return NS.N | NS.NE | NS.E | NS.NW | NS.S | NS.W | None """ pressed = self.get_pressed() if NS.LNW in pressed and NS.LNE in pressed: return NS.N elif NS.LNE in pressed and NS.LSW in pressed: return NS.NE elif NS.LNE in pressed and NS.LSE in pressed: return NS.E elif NS.LNW in pressed and NS.LSE in pressed: return NS.NW elif NS.LSE in pressed and NS.LSW in pressed: return NS.S elif NS.LSW in pressed and NS.LNW in pressed: return NS.W def get_glowing_edge(self): """ Return the edge currently glowing or None @return NS.N | NS.NE | NS.E | NS.NW | NS.S | NS.W | None """ if self.lights[NS.LNW].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LNE].glowing(): return NS.N elif self.lights[NS.LNE].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LSW].glowing(): return NS.NE elif self.lights[NS.LNE].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LSE].glowing(): return NS.E elif self.lights[NS.LNW].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LSE].glowing(): return NS.NW elif self.lights[NS.LSE].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LSW].glowing(): return NS.S elif self.lights[NS.LSW].glowing() and self.lights[NS.LNW].glowing(): return NS.W def get_buttons_from_edges(self, edges): """ Get a list of light positions contained by a list of edges. For example, [NS.N, NS.E] would give [NS.LNW, NS.LNE, NS.LSE]. @param edges list of edges [NS.N | NS.NE | NS.E | NS.NW | NS.S | NS.W] @return list of light positions [NS.LNW | NS.LNE | NS.LSE | NS.LSW] """ buttons = set() for edge in edges: if edge == NS.N: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LNW, NS.LNE)) elif edge == NS.NE: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LNE, NS.LSW)) elif edge == NS.E: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LNE, NS.LSE)) elif edge == NS.NW: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LNW, NS.LSE)) elif edge == NS.S: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LSE, NS.LSW)) elif edge == NS.W: buttons = buttons.union((NS.LSW, NS.LNW)) return list(buttons) def get_steps_from_edge(self, edge): """ Get the edges that are one step away from a given edge. For example, NS.N would give (NS.NE, NS.NW) because those are the edges that only require a pivot move of one step from NS.N. @param edge one of NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.NW, NS.S, NS.W @return pair of edges that are one step away """ if edge == NS.N: return NS.NE, NS.NW elif edge == NS.NE: return NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W elif edge == NS.E: return NS.NE, NS.NW elif edge == NS.NW: return NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W elif edge == NS.S: return NS.NE, NS.NW elif edge == NS.W: return NS.NE, NS.NW def get_right_angles_from_edge(self, edge): """ Get the pair of angles that are at a right angle to a given edge. For example, NS.N would return (NS.E, NW.W). For diagonals, this returns None. @param edge one of NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.NW, NS.S, NS.W @return pair of edges that are at a right angle to given edge or None """ if edge == NS.N: return NS.E, NS.W elif edge == NS.NE: return None elif edge == NS.E: return NS.N, NS.S elif edge == NS.NW: return None elif edge == NS.S: return NS.E, NS.W elif edge == NS.W: return NS.N, NS.S def get_opposite_of_edge(self, edge): """ Get the edge opposite to a given edge. For example, NS.N would return NS.S. For diagonals, the opposite is the reverse diagonal. @param edge one of NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.NW, NS.S, NS.W @return edge opposite to given edge, one of NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.NW, NS.S, NS.W """ if edge == NS.N: return NS.S elif edge == NS.NE: return NS.NW elif edge == NS.E: return NS.W elif edge == NS.NW: return NS.NE elif edge == NS.S: return NS.N elif edge == NS.W: return NS.E def get_color_pair_from_edge(self, edge): """ Return the pair of pygame color objects that make up a given edge @param edge one of NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.NW, NS.S, NS.W @return tuple of pygame color objects """ if edge == NS.N: return self.lights[NS.LNW].color, self.lights[NS.LNE].color elif edge == NS.NE: return self.lights[NS.LNE].color, self.lights[NS.LSW].color elif edge == NS.E: return self.lights[NS.LNE].color, self.lights[NS.LSE].color elif edge == NS.NW: return self.lights[NS.LNW].color, self.lights[NS.LSE].color elif edge == NS.S: return self.lights[NS.LSW].color, self.lights[NS.LSE].color elif edge == NS.W: return self.lights[NS.LNW].color, self.lights[NS.LSW].color def set_glowing(self, selected): """ Set the given light IDs to glowing and other indices to not glowing. @param selected list of light IDs (NS.LNW, NS.LNE, NS.LSE, NS.LSW) """ for ii, light in enumerate(self.lights): light.glow_index = 0 light.halt(light.glow) if ii in selected: light.play(light.glow) def update(self): """ Update each light and draw the platform and glow effect """ if self.active: for light in self.lights: light.update() # draw the pad based on which pads are glowing glowing = self.get_glowing_edge() if glowing is None: self.view.set_frameset("neutral") self.view.update() else: self.view.set_frameset(str(glowing)) self.view.update() if not self.view.is_hidden() and not self.view.is_playing(self.view.wipe_out): for light in self.lights: if light.glowing(): self.get_display_surface().blit( self.glow_masks[light.position][light.glow_index], self.view.location, None, BLEND_RGBA_ADD) # track how long an edge has been pressed if self.get_edge_pressed() is not None: if self.get_edge_pressed() != self.previously_pressed_edge: self.previously_pressed_edge = self.get_edge_pressed() self.press_elapsed = 0 else: self.press_elapsed += self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() else: self.previously_pressed_edge = None self.press_elapsed = 0 class Light(Animation): """ This class represents a pad on the platform. Typically there are four instances for a platform, one for each corner of the platform. Each light stores its color and position on the platform. This class contains methods for glowing the light and getting its properties. """ TITLE_OFFSET = 0 def __init__(self, parent, color, position): """ Initialize a new Light object, providing color and position on the platform. @param parent PGFW game object that instantiated this object @param color pygame color object @param position the light's position on the platform, one of NS.LNW, NS.LNE, NS.LSE, NS.LSW """ Animation.__init__(self, parent) self.color = Color(color) self.color.a = 225 self.position = position self.pressed = False ds = self.get_display_surface() frontleft = ds.get_width() / 2 - NS.FRONT_WIDTH / 2, NS.FRONT backleft = ds.get_width() / 2 - NS.BACK_WIDTH / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH left_step = get_step_relative(frontleft, backleft, NS.STEP) midleft = frontleft[0] + left_step[0], frontleft[1] + left_step[1] frontmid = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT mid = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP backmid = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH frontright = ds.get_width() / 2 + NS.FRONT_WIDTH / 2, NS.FRONT backright = ds.get_width() / 2 + NS.BACK_WIDTH / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH right_step = get_step_relative(frontright, backright, NS.STEP) midright = frontright[0] + right_step[0], frontright[1] + right_step[1] if self.position == NS.LNW: self.points = frontleft, frontmid, mid, midleft elif self.position == NS.LNE: self.points = frontmid, frontright, midright, mid elif self.position == NS.LSE: self.points = mid, midright, backright, backmid elif self.position == NS.LSW: self.points = midleft, mid, backmid, backleft self.register(self.glow) def reset(self): """ Unhide, halt glow animation """ self.hidden = False self.halt(self.glow) self.reset_timer() self.glow_index = 0 def glow(self): """ Moves the glow animation forward a frame by incrementing an index """ self.glow_index += 1 if self.glow_index >= len(self.parent.glow_masks[0]): self.glow_index = 0 def update(self): """ Checks the attack state to determine whether to start or stop glowing """ Animation.update(self) if not self.get_game().title.active and not self.get_game().level_select.active: boss = self.get_game().boss chemtrails = self.get_game().chemtrails # checks the boss attack queue and chameleon queue index to see if the glow should be started now if boss.queue and not self.is_playing(self.glow) and self.in_orientation(boss.queue[chemtrails.queue_index]): self.play(self.glow) # turns off the glow elif self.is_playing(self.glow) and (not boss.queue or not self.in_orientation(boss.queue[chemtrails.queue_index])): self.reset() def get_points(self): if self.get_game().title.active: points = [] for point in self.points: points.append((point[0], point[1] - self.TITLE_OFFSET)) return points else: return self.points def draw_glow(self): for ii, y in enumerate(range(0, self.glow_index, 3)): shifted = [] for point in self.get_points(): shifted.append((point[0], point[1] - y)) if self.position == NS.LSW: saturation = 0 else: saturation = int((self.color.hsla[1] + 80) % 100) if not ii % 2: lightness = 0 else: lightness = 40 lines(self.get_display_surface(), get_hsla_color(int(self.color.hsla[0]), saturation, lightness), True, shifted, 3) def in_orientation(self, orientation): """ Returns True if this light is contained in the given edge @param orientation edge to check, one of NS.N, NS.NW, NS.W, NS.NE, NS.E, NS.S @return True | False """ if self.position == NS.LNW: return orientation in (NS.N, NS.NW, NS.W) elif self.position == NS.LNE: return orientation in (NS.N, NS.NE, NS.E) elif self.position == NS.LSE: return orientation in (NS.NW, NS.E, NS.S) elif self.position == NS.LSW: return orientation in (NS.S, NS.NE, NS.W) def glowing(self): """ Returns True if this light is glowing, False otherwise @return True | False """ return self.is_playing(self.glow) class Chemtrails(Sprite): """ This class stores the graphics and state of the player character. It contains sprite frames, health and life objects, and the timer that counts down the amount of time left to perform a move. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Load the sprite frames, one for each pad orientation. Initialize a health object, lives object, and timer. Create a sprite for the tongue. @param parent PGFW game object that initialized this object """ Sprite.__init__(self, parent, framerate=125) for directory in sorted(iglob(join(self.get_resource("littleSlimeGoop"), "[0-9]_*/"))): self.add_frameset(switch=True) self.load_from_path(directory, True) self.add_frameset(name="hurt", switch=True) self.load_from_path("littleSlimeGoop/Hurt", True) self.tongue = Sprite(self, 160) self.tongue.load_from_path("littleSlimeGoop/justTongue", True) self.set_frameset(NS.N) self.register(self.cancel_hurt) self.life = Life(self) self.boys = Boys(self) self.timer = Timer(self) def reset(self): """ Reset the health, lives, and timer objects and deactivate. """ self.deactivate() self.life.reset() self.boys.reset() self.timer.reset() self.set_frameset(NS.N) def deactivate(self): self.active = False def activate(self): self.active = True def challenge(self): """ Start an attempt against a new queue of swords to be cleared. """ self.timer.reset() self.queue_index = 0 def display_hurt(self): """ Show hurt animation and trigger it to end after a delay """ self.set_frameset("hurt") self.play(self.cancel_hurt, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "lizard-hurt-length"), play_once=True) def cancel_hurt(self): """ Reset to a non-hurt frameset """ self.set_frameset(NS.N) self.orient() def attack(self): """ Hit the boss if this is called while the boss attack queue is active and the player is in the correct orientation. Add time to the timer, decrease the boss's health, and play a sound effect. If the queue is finished, reset the timer completely and trigger another boss combo. """ boss = self.get_game().boss queue = boss.queue if self.orientation == queue[self.queue_index]: self.blem() self.timer.add_time(self.get_configuration("time", f"timer-addition-level-{boss.level_index + 1}")) boss.health.decrease(self.get_configuration("boss", f"damage-per-hit-level-{boss.level_index + 1}")) self.queue_index += 1 boss.last_attack = self.orientation boss.sword.block() if self.queue_index == len(queue): self.timer.reset() if not boss.is_playing(boss.show_end_dialogue, include_delay=True): boss.combo() self.get_audio().play_sfx("complete_pattern_3") else: self.get_audio().play_sfx("land_0") self.get_game().platform.reset_lights() def orient(self): """ Place the sprite on screen based on which edge is being pressed by the player on the real mat. """ ds = self.get_display_surface() edge = self.get_game().platform.get_edge_pressed() dy = -Light.TITLE_OFFSET if self.get_game().title.active else 0 if edge is not None: if self.get_current_frameset().name != "hurt": self.set_frameset(edge + 1) self.unhide() else: self.hide() if edge == NS.N: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT + dy - 10 self.orientation = NS.N elif edge == NS.E: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2 + NS.FRONT_WIDTH / 2 - 85, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP - 40 + dy self.orientation = NS.E elif edge == NS.S: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH - NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP - 65 + dy self.orientation = NS.S elif edge == NS.W: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2 - NS.FRONT_WIDTH / 2 + 85, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP - 40 + dy self.orientation = NS.W elif edge == NS.NW: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP + dy - 45 self.orientation = NS.NW elif edge == NS.NE: self.location.center = ds.get_width() / 2 - 5, NS.FRONT + NS.LENGTH * NS.STEP - 45 + dy self.orientation = NS.NE else: self.orientation = None def blem(self): """ Start the tongue animation to block the sword """ if self.orientation in (NS.N, NS.NE): self.tongue.location.center = self.location.centerx + 10, self.location.top elif self.orientation == NS.E: self.tongue.location.center = self.location.right - 10, self.location.top + 25 elif self.orientation == NS.NW: self.tongue.location.center = self.location.centerx, self.location.top + 27 elif self.orientation == NS.S: self.tongue.location.center = self.location.centerx, self.location.top + 100 elif self.orientation == NS.W: self.tongue.location.center = self.location.left + 13, self.location.top + 23 self.tongue.unhide() self.tongue.get_current_frameset().reset() def update(self, offset: Vector=(0, 0)): if self.active: self.orient() self.location.move(offset) # Draw tongue behind lizard if it the bottom, otherwise draw tongue in front of lizard if self.orientation == NS.S: self.tongue.update() Sprite.update(self) if self.orientation != NS.S: self.tongue.update() # End the tongue animation after one play if self.tongue.get_current_frameset().current_index == len(self.tongue.get_current_frameset().order) - 1: self.tongue.hide() if not self.get_game().title.active and not self.get_game().level_select.active: boss = self.get_game().boss if boss.queue: self.timer.tick() self.attack() if self.timer.amount < 0: self.life.decrease() if not boss.is_playing(boss.show_end_dialogue, include_delay=True): self.timer.reset() boss.combo() if not boss.is_playing(boss.show_introduction_dialogue, include_delay=True): self.timer.update() self.life.update() # self.boys.update() class Timer(Meter): def __init__(self, parent): Meter.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() background = load(self.get_resource("HUD_timer.png")).convert() rect = background.get_rect() rect.bottomright = dsr.right - 6, dsr.bottom - 4 self.setup(background, rect, 53, (0, 0, 255), self.get_configuration("time", "timer-start-level-1"), "scrapeIcons/scrapeIcons_07.png") def reset(self): """ Account for the differences in time per level by setting a custom amount based on the boss's level """ super().reset() # The difference between level 1 and the current level is how much to remove from the timer difference = self.get_configuration("time", "timer-start-level-1") - \ self.get_configuration("time", f"timer-start-level-{self.get_game().boss.level_index + 1}") self.change(-difference) def add_time(self, amount): self.change(amount) def tick(self): self.change(-self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration()) class Life(Meter): """ This class stores the state of the player's HP """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialize the Meter super class and graphics """ Meter.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() background = load(self.get_resource("HUD_health.png")).convert() rect = background.get_rect() rect.bottomleft = 4, dsr.bottom - 4 self.setup(background, rect, 70, (255, 0, 0), 3, "scrapeIcons/scrapeIcons_03.png") def decrease(self): """ Remove one health point. Set the current sword to attacking the chameleon. If this meter is depleted, remove a life and trigger the boss's battle finish method. """ self.get_audio().play_sfx("hurt") self.change(-1) self.get_game().boss.sword.attack(player=True) if self.amount <= 0: self.amount = 0 self.parent.boys.change(-1) self.get_game().boss.finish_battle(False) class Boys(Meter): def __init__(self, parent): Meter.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() background = load(self.get_resource("HUD_lives.png")).convert() rect = background.get_rect() rect.bottomleft = 6, dsr.bottom - 4 # The amount of lives depends on whether it's boss rush or level select mode. if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): lives = self.get_configuration("system", "lives-level-select-mode") else: lives = self.get_configuration("system", "lives-boss-rush-mode") self.setup(background, rect, 60, (0, 255, 0), lives, "scrapeIcons/scrapeIcons_01.png") class BossSprite(Sprite): """ Overload the Sprite class to do custom animation for bosses """ def shift_frame(self): """ Customize the sprite animation to play the entrance animation only once and to loop over the last three frames of the death animation. """ frameset = self.get_current_frameset() if frameset.name == "entrance" and frameset.get_current_id() == frameset.order[-1]: self.set_frameset("normal") elif frameset.name == "death" and frameset.current_index in (-1, len(frameset.order) - 1): frameset.current_index = -4 super().shift_frame() class Boss(Animation): """ The Boss object also serves as the level object, and it is expected that only one of these objects is initialized. Its drawing, animations, timings, etc will be determined by the level_index member variable. For example, if level_index is 0, the kool man sprite will be drawn, but if level_index is 2, the spoopy sprite will be drawn. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Load graphics for boss sprites, avatars, and backgrounds. Initialize boss health and swords objects. Register animations that control attacks, effects, and dialog. """ Animation.__init__(self, parent) # Set up sprites with boil, hit, and intro animations self.boss_sprites = [] self.boss_sprite_arms = [] for path in (pathlib.Path(self.get_resource("koolAnimations")), pathlib.Path(self.get_resource("alienAnimations")), pathlib.Path(self.get_resource("emoAnimations"))): prefix = path.stem.split("Animations")[0] self.boss_sprites.append(BossSprite(self, 42)) self.boss_sprites[-1].add_frameset(name="normal", switch=True) self.boss_sprites[-1].load_from_path(path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Boil"), True) self.boss_sprites[-1].add_frameset(name="hurt", switch=True) self.boss_sprites[-1].load_from_path(path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Hit"), True) self.boss_sprites[-1].add_frameset(name="death", switch=True) self.boss_sprites[-1].load_from_path(path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Death"), True) self.boss_sprites[-1].add_frameset(name="entrance", switch=True) self.boss_sprites[-1].load_from_path(path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Intro"), True) self.boss_sprites[-1].location.topleft = 207, 10 # Set the arm to its own sprite self.boss_sprite_arms.append(Sprite(self, 60)) # Map the strings used to indicate direction in the animations directory to the IDs defined in the script name_map = { "U": NS.N, "DR": NS.NE, "R": NS.E, "DL": NS.NW, "D": NS.S, "L": NS.W, } # Set static frames for arms, one for each of the 6 board orientations root = path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Arms/Moving") static_arm_frame_map = { "UtoDR/*05.png": NS.N, "UtoDR/*10.png": NS.NE, "RtoDL/*05.png": NS.E, "RtoDL/*10.png": NS.NW, "DtoL/*05.png": NS.S, "DtoL/*10.png": NS.W } orientation_frame_indices = {} for arm_frame_path, orientation in static_arm_frame_map.items(): base = pygame.image.load(str(list(root.glob(arm_frame_path))[0])) colorkeyed = fill_colorkey(base) self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].add_frame(colorkeyed) frame_index = len(self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].frames) - 1 self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].add_frameset([frame_index], name=str(orientation)) orientation_frame_indices[orientation] = frame_index # Add sword smear animations to the alien's arm, one for each of the 30 possible combinations of 6 board orientations for directory in path.joinpath(f"{prefix}Arms/Moving").iterdir(): if directory.is_dir(): frame_paths = list(sorted(directory.iterdir())) # Extract board orientation IDs from the directory name orientation_1, orientation_2 = [name_map[orientation] for orientation in directory.name.split("to")] # Alien arm sprite frame indices for each orientation frame_index_orientation_1 = orientation_frame_indices[orientation_1] frame_index_orientation_2 = orientation_frame_indices[orientation_2] # Add orientation_1 -> orientation_2 animation frame_order = [frame_index_orientation_1] for frame_path in frame_paths[5:9]: self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].load_from_path(frame_path, True) frame_order.append(len(self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].frames) - 1) frame_order.append(frame_index_orientation_2) self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].add_frameset(frame_order, name=f"{orientation_1}_{orientation_2}") # Add orientation_2 -> orientation_1 animation frame_order = [frame_index_orientation_2] for frame_path in frame_paths[0:4]: self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].load_from_path(frame_path, True) frame_order.append(len(self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].frames) - 1) frame_order.append(frame_index_orientation_1) self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].add_frameset(frame_order, name=f"{orientation_2}_{orientation_1}") self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].location.center = self.boss_sprites[-1].location.center self.boss_sprite_arms[-1].hide() # Boss sprite aliases self.kool_man, self.alien, self.spoopy = self.boss_sprites self.kool_man_arms, self.alien_arms, self.spoopy_arms = self.boss_sprite_arms self.health = Health(self) self.sword = Sword(self) self.register(self.brandish, self.cancel_flash, self.show_introduction_dialogue, self.show_end_dialogue, self.end_dialogue, self.end_player_damage, self.end_hit_animation, self.warning, self.enter_boss) self.register(self.flash_player_damage, interval=100) self.kool_man_avatar = load(self.get_resource("Kool_man_avatar.png")).convert() self.alien_avatar = load(self.get_resource("Alien_avatar.png")).convert() self.spoopy_avatar = load(self.get_resource("Spoopy_avatar.png")).convert() self.advance_prompt = AdvancePrompt(self) self.backgrounds = [Sprite(self), Sprite(self), Sprite(self)] # Add background graphics and generate screen effects for ii, background in enumerate(self.backgrounds): background.add_frameset(name="normal", switch=True) background.load_from_path(f"bg/bg00{ii + 1}.png") # Inverted background background.add_frameset(name="inverted", switch=True) frame = pygame.Surface(background.frames[0].get_size()) frame.fill((255, 255, 255)) frame.blit(background.frames[0], (0, 0), None, pygame.BLEND_RGB_SUB) background.add_frame(frame) # Darkened background background.add_frameset(name="charging", switch=True) frame = background.frames[0].copy() frame.fill((80, 80, 80), None, pygame.BLEND_RGB_SUB) background.add_frame(frame) # Red background background.add_frameset(name="warning", switch=True) frame = background.frames[0].copy() frame.fill((0, 150, 150), None, pygame.BLEND_RGB_SUB) background.add_frame(frame) # Shining background background.add_frameset(name="shining", switch=True, framerate=120) for hue in range(0, 360, 40): frame = background.frames[0].copy() color = Color(0, 0, 0) color.hsla = hue, 30, 30, 100 frame.fill(color, None, pygame.BLEND_RGB_ADD) background.add_frame(frame) background.set_frameset("normal") self.countdown = Countdown(self) def cancel_flash(self): pass def start_level(self, index): self.level_index = index self.battle_finished = False self.player_defeated = False self.health.reset() self.get_game().chemtrails.timer.reset() self.get_game().chemtrails.life.reset() self.activate() dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue dialogue.deactivate() if index == 0: dialogue.set_avatar(self.kool_man_avatar) dialogue.set_name("Kool Man") self.kool_man.hide() elif index == 1: dialogue.set_avatar(self.alien_avatar) dialogue.set_name("Alien") self.alien.hide() elif index == 2: dialogue.set_avatar(self.spoopy_avatar) dialogue.set_name("Spoopy") self.spoopy.hide() self.play(self.enter_boss, play_once=True, delay=1500) self.get_audio().play_bgm(f"level_{index}") self.play(self.show_introduction_dialogue, delay=3000, play_once=True) self.get_game().platform.activate() self.get_game().chemtrails.activate() self.last_attack = NS.NW self.backgrounds[self.level_index].set_frameset("normal") self.halt(self.flash_player_damage) def show_introduction_dialogue(self): dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue dialogue.activate() if self.level_index == 0: dialogue.show_text("You'll never be able to block my sword, you lizard slime!" + " See if you can keep up\nwith these moves!") elif self.level_index == 1: dialogue.show_text("We're just warming up, slime breath! Prepare to get spun" + " by these combos!") elif self.level_index == 2: dialogue.show_text("Lizard! My moves are so unpredictable you might as well" + " give up now!") self.play(self.end_dialogue, delay=5000, play_once=True) def reset(self): self.level_index = 0 self.kills = 0 self.time_elapsed = 0 self.deactivate() self.cancel_flash() self.halt(self.cancel_flash) self.health.reset() self.halt(self.brandish) self.sword.reset() self.advance_prompt.reset() self.queue = None self.brandish_complete = True self.countdown.reset() self.halt(self.end_dialogue) self.halt(self.flash_player_damage) self.halt(self.end_player_damage) for background in self.backgrounds: background.set_frameset("normal") self.halt(self.end_hit_animation) self.halt(self.warning) def deactivate(self): self.active = False def activate(self): self.active = True def combo(self, delay=None): if delay is None: delay = self.get_configuration("boss", f"cooldown-level-{self.level_index + 1}") self.queue = None if self.get_game().serial_enabled(): self.get_game().reset_arduino() self.play(self.brandish, delay=delay, play_once=True) def brandish(self): self.queue = [] platform = self.get_game().platform if self.level_index == 0: if self.health.amount > 90: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first] elif self.health.amount > 70: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first))] elif self.health.amount > 30: choices = [0] if self.last_attack in (NS.NE, NS.NW): choices.append(1) else: choices.extend((2, 3)) result = choice(choices) if result == 0: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, first, second] elif result == 1: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)), choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first))] elif result == 2: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 3: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second))] else: choices = [0, 1] if self.last_attack in (NS.NE, NS.NW): choices.extend((2, 3, 4)) else: choices.append(5) result = choice(choices) if result == 0 or result == 1: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) last = second if result else platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second) self.queue = [first, second, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), last] elif result == 2: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 3: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)), choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 4: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second)] elif result == 5: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second))] elif self.level_index == 1: if self.health.amount > 85: if self.last_attack in (NS.NE, NS.NW): choices = 1, 2 else: choices = 0, result = choice(choices) if result == 0: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 1: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 2: first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) self.queue = [first, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif self.health.amount > 60: if self.last_attack in (NS.NE, NS.NW): choices = 2, 3 else: choices = 0, 1 result = choice(choices) first = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(self.last_attack)) if result == 0: second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second)] elif result == 1: second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first)] elif result == 2: second = platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first) self.queue = [first, second, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second))] elif result == 3: second = choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second)] elif self.health.amount > 30: result = choice(range(3)) if result == 0: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), first] elif result == 1: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.NE, NS.NW)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second), choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second))] elif result == 2: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.NE, NS.NW)) second = choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(second)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second)] else: result = choice(range(4)) if result == 0: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.NE, NS.NW)) second = platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first) self.queue = [first, second, first, second] elif result == 1: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W)) self.queue = [first, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), first] elif result == 2: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W)) self.queue = [first, choice(platform.get_steps_from_edge(first)), choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first), first] elif result == 3: first = self.choose_new_edge((NS.N, NS.E, NS.S, NS.W)) second = platform.get_opposite_of_edge(first) third = choice(platform.get_right_angles_from_edge(first)) self.queue = [first, second, third, platform.get_opposite_of_edge(second), platform.get_opposite_of_edge(third)] elif self.level_index == 2: if self.health.amount > 90: length = 4 elif self.health.amount > 70: length = 5 elif self.health.amount > 40: length = 6 else: length = 8 while len(self.queue) < length: while True: orientation = randint(0, 5) if (not self.queue and orientation != self.last_attack) or \ (len(self.queue) > 0 and orientation != self.queue[-1]): self.queue.append(orientation) break self.unbrandished = copy(self.queue) self.brandish_complete = False self.sword.reset() self.sword.play(self.sword.brandish, play_once=True) self.get_game().chemtrails.challenge() self.backgrounds[self.level_index].set_frameset("charging") # Set each boss to its normal frameset for sprite in self.boss_sprites: sprite.set_frameset("normal") def choose_new_edge(self, edges): while True: edge = choice(edges) if edge != self.last_attack: return edge def finish_battle(self, win): self.battle_finished = True self.halt(self.brandish) self.halt(self.cancel_flash) self.halt(self.warning) self.halt(self.flash_player_damage) self.halt(self.end_player_damage) self.sword.reset() self.queue = [] self.brandish_complete = True if win: self.level_sprite().set_frameset("death") if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): self.get_game().add_time_to_scores(self.time_elapsed, self.level_index) elif self.level_index == 2: if not self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): self.get_game().add_time_to_scores(self.time_elapsed) self.backgrounds[self.level_index].set_frameset("shining") else: self.level_sprite().set_frameset("normal") self.play(self.flash_player_damage) self.get_game().chemtrails.set_frameset("hurt") self.player_defeated = not win self.kills += not win self.play(self.show_end_dialogue, delay=3000, play_once=True) def show_end_dialogue(self): dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue dialogue.activate() self.get_audio().play_sfx("die") if self.level_index == 0: if self.player_defeated: dialogue.show_text("Maybe next time!") else: dialogue.show_text("Hey! Wow! Lizard!") elif self.level_index == 1: if self.player_defeated: dialogue.show_text("Wiped out!") else: if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): dialogue.show_text("Ouch! Oof!") else: dialogue.show_text("Well done! But it's not over yet!") elif self.level_index == 2: if self.player_defeated: dialogue.show_text("Just like I thought!") else: if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): dialogue.show_text("H-how? But you're only a lizard!") else: dialogue.show_text("H-how? But you're only a lizard! How could you" + " manage to defeat all of us?") if self.player_defeated: self.countdown.activate() else: self.play(self.end_dialogue, delay=5000, play_once=True) def end_dialogue(self): self.get_game().dialogue.deactivate() if not self.battle_finished: self.combo(self.get_configuration("boss", "first-combo-delay")) else: self.get_game().wipe.start(self.transition_after_battle) def transition_after_battle(self): """ Determine whether to reset to title screen, relaunch the current level, launch the next level, or activate the ending object and call the appropriate method. """ # If the player is out of lives, reset the game. if self.get_game().chemtrails.boys.amount <= 0: self.get_game().reset(True) # Check if the ending screen should be activated. elif not self.player_defeated and self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select") or self.level_index == 2: defeated_level_index = self.level_index game = self.get_game() game.boss.reset() game.chemtrails.reset() game.platform.reset() game.ending.activate(defeated_level_index) else: # Level index to launch is the current level if the player was defeated, otherwise it's the next level. If the player wasn't # defeated, level select mode would have launched the game ending, so the next level will only be launched when boss rush # mode is active. index = self.level_index + (not self.player_defeated) self.start_level(index) def transition_to_title(self): self.get_game().reset(True) def damage(self): pass def start_player_damage(self): """ Launch the flash player damage effect and queue it to end after a certain amount of time """ self.play(self.flash_player_damage) self.play(self.end_player_damage, play_once=True, delay=1500) def flash_player_damage(self): """ Invert the screen to indicate player has taken damage. """ background = self.backgrounds[self.level_index] if background.get_current_frameset().name == "normal": background.set_frameset("inverted") else: background.set_frameset("normal") def end_player_damage(self): """ Halt the flash player damage animation and return the background to normal """ self.halt(self.flash_player_damage) self.backgrounds[self.level_index].set_frameset("normal") def end_hit_animation(self): """ Return boss's animation to normal """ if not self.battle_finished: for boss in (self.kool_man, self.alien, self.spoopy): boss.set_frameset("normal") def warning(self): """ Use this method as an animation to create a warning flash of the background that flashes according to the amount of time left in the player's timer object. """ time_left = self.get_game().chemtrails.timer.percent() warning_threshold = self.get_configuration("time", "timer-warning-start") background = self.backgrounds[self.level_index] if time_left > warning_threshold: background.set_frameset("normal") self.halt(self.warning) else: if background.get_current_frameset().name == "normal": background.set_frameset("warning") self.play(self.warning, play_once=True, delay=50) else: background.set_frameset("normal") self.play(self.warning, play_once=True, delay=time_left / warning_threshold * 400) def enter_boss(self): self.level_sprite().unhide() self.level_sprite().get_current_frameset().reset() self.level_sprite().set_frameset("entrance") def level_sprite(self, level_index=None): """ Return the boss sprite associated with this the given level index. If level index is not given, use the value in `self.level_index`. @param level_index index of the level of the requested sprite """ if level_index is None: level_index = self.level_index if level_index == 0: return self.kool_man elif level_index == 1: return self.alien else: return self.spoopy def level_sprite_arm(self, level_index=None): """ Return the boss arm sprite associated with the given index. If index is not given, use the value in `self.level_index`. @param level_index index of the level of the requested sprite """ if level_index is None: level_index = self.level_index if level_index == 0: return self.kool_man_arms elif level_index == 1: return self.alien_arms else: return self.spoopy_arms def update(self): """ Update graphics """ if self.active: self.backgrounds[self.level_index].update() dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue # Handle the continue countdown or increase time elapsed if the continue screen if self.countdown.active and dialogue.active and self.get_game().chemtrails.boys.amount > 0: if self.advance_prompt.check_first_press(): self.advance_prompt.press_first() elif self.advance_prompt.check_second_press(): self.countdown.deactivate() if dialogue.is_playing(): dialogue.show_all() else: self.get_game().dialogue.deactivate() if not self.battle_finished: self.combo() else: self.get_game().wipe.start(self.transition_after_battle) self.advance_prompt.cancel_first_press() else: self.time_elapsed += self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() Animation.update(self) # Update boss sprite boss_sprite = self.level_sprite() boss_sprite_arm = self.level_sprite_arm() boss_sprite.update() if self.brandish_complete: if self.queue is not None: # Draw ghosts of the upcoming moves fading more as the move goes futher back in the queue boss_sprite_arm.unhide() remaining_positions = list(reversed(self.queue[self.get_game().chemtrails.queue_index:])) for ii, position in enumerate(remaining_positions): alpha = int((ii + 1) / len(remaining_positions) * 255) boss_sprite_arm.set_frameset(str(position)) boss_sprite_arm.get_current_frame().set_alpha(alpha) boss_sprite_arm.update() boss_sprite_arm.get_current_frame().set_alpha(255) else: boss_sprite_arm.update() self.sword.update() self.health.update() self.countdown.update() # Trigger the warning effect if time is running out if self.get_game().chemtrails.life.amount > 0 and not self.is_playing(self.warning, include_delay=True) and \ self.get_game().chemtrails.timer.percent() <= self.get_configuration("time", "timer-warning-start"): self.play(self.warning, play_once=True) def update_dialogue(self): if self.active: dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue if dialogue.active: self.get_game().dialogue.update() if self.countdown.active and self.get_game().chemtrails.boys.amount > 0: self.advance_prompt.update() class Countdown(GameChild): def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() font = Font(self.get_resource(Dialogue.FONT_PATH), 76) self.heading = Sprite(self) self.heading.add_frame(font.render("CONTINUE?", True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)).convert_alpha()) self.heading.location.midtop = dsr.centerx, 50 self.game_over = Sprite(self) self.game_over.add_frame(font.render("GAME OVER", True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)).convert_alpha()) self.game_over.location.center = dsr.centerx, dsr.centery - 40 self.glyphs = [] for ii in range(10): glyph = Sprite(self) frame = Surface((140, 140)) frame.fill((255, 255, 255)) digits = font.render("%i" % ii, True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)).convert_alpha() rect = digits.get_rect() rect.center = frame.get_rect().center frame.blit(digits, rect) glyph.add_frame(frame) glyph.location.center = dsr.centerx, dsr.centery - 30 self.glyphs.append(glyph) def reset(self): self.deactivate() def deactivate(self): self.active = False def activate(self): self.remaining = 9999 self.active = True def end_game(self): self.get_game().reset(True) def update(self): if self.active: if self.get_game().chemtrails.boys.amount > 0: self.heading.update() self.glyphs[int(self.remaining / 1000)].update() if not self.get_game().wipe.is_playing(): if self.remaining <= 0: self.get_game().wipe.start(self.end_game) self.remaining = 0 else: self.remaining -= self.get_game().time_filter.get_last_frame_duration() class Sword(Animation): """ This class stores the graphics for the swords that appear as hovering sprites when the boss is attacking. """ SHIFT = 15 SPRITE_COUNT = 6 def __init__(self, parent): """ Allocate and populate lists of sword animation frames. For each boss, create sword and spinning sword animation frames. For each animation, create six color versions, one for each orientation on the platform. """ Animation.__init__(self, parent) # These will be three dimensional lists: swords[boss][position][frame] self.swords = [] self.spinning_swords = [] def rotate_sword(base, position): """ Rotate the sword based on the orientation of the board in this position """ if position == NS.N or position == NS.S: rotated = rotate(base, 270) elif position == NS.NW: rotated = rotate(base, 45) elif position == NS.NE: rotated = rotate(base, 310) else: rotated = base return rotated def fill_sword(surface, position, colors): """ Blend the platform colors into the grayscale base image """ rect = surface.get_rect() if position == NS.N or position == NS.S: surface.fill(colors[0], (0, 0, rect.w / 2, rect.h), BLEND_RGBA_MIN) surface.fill(colors[1], (rect.centerx, 0, rect.w / 2, rect.h), BLEND_RGBA_MIN) else: surface.fill(colors[0], (0, 0, rect.w, rect.h / 2), BLEND_RGBA_MIN) surface.fill(colors[1], (0, rect.centery, rect.w, rect.h / 2), BLEND_RGBA_MIN) # Open a folder of sword frames for each boss for root in "sword/", "sword/", "sword/": # Create a list of lists of sword frames, each list of sword frames corresponds to an orientation on the platform self.swords.append([[], [], [], [], [], []]) self.spinning_swords.append([[], [], [], [], [], []]) base_image_paths = sorted(iglob(join(self.get_resource(root), "*.png"))) # If effects are turned off, use a single frame if not self.get_configuration("display", "effects"): base_image_paths = [base_image_paths[0]] # Create a square surface that can be used to blit the rotated sword centered so each frame is the same size size = max(*load(self.get_resource(base_image_paths[0])).get_size()) background = pygame.Surface((size, size), pygame.SRCALPHA) # Create spinning sword effect by rotating the first base frame image, one for each platform position for position in range(6): base = rotate_sword(load(self.get_resource(base_image_paths[0])).convert_alpha(), position) # Blend the appropriate colors into the base image fill_sword(base, position, self.get_game().platform.get_color_pair_from_edge(position)) # Create a frame for each angle and store it in the list for angle in range(0, 360, 36): rotated = rotate(base, angle) frame = background.copy() rect = rotated.get_rect() rect.center = frame.get_rect().center frame.blit(rotated, rect) self.spinning_swords[-1][position].append(frame) # Create frames for each platform orientation by rotating the base frame images and blending colors over them for frame_index, path in enumerate(base_image_paths): base = load(self.get_resource(path)).convert_alpha() # Iterate over all six orientation possibilities for position in range(6): rotated = rotate_sword(base, position) surface = rotated.copy() colors = self.get_game().platform.get_color_pair_from_edge(position) color_a = Color(colors[0].r, colors[0].g, colors[0].b, 255) color_b = Color(colors[1].r, colors[1].g, colors[1].b, 255) # Edit lightness to create glowing effect for color in (color_a, color_b): h, s, l, a = color.hsla l = 30 + int(abs((frame_index % 10) - 5) / 5 * 60) color.hsla = h, s, l, a fill_sword(surface, position, (color_a, color_b)) self.swords[-1][position].append(surface) self.register(self.brandish, self.lower, self.swab) def reset(self): """ Halt animations, clear sprites """ self.halt(self.brandish) self.halt(self.lower) self.halt(self.swab) self.sprites = [] self.active_sprite_index = 0 self.attacking_player = False def brandish(self): """ Get the next sword position to brandish from `self.parent`, create a sprite with a regular rotating frameset and spinning attack frameset, place it around a rectangle in the center of the screen, and store it in a list. """ level_index = self.parent.level_index position = self.parent.unbrandished.pop(0) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() sprite = Sprite(self) # Add frames from storage for regular and attacking animations for frame in self.swords[level_index][position] + self.spinning_swords[level_index][position]: sprite.add_frame(frame) sprite.add_frameset(list(range(len(self.swords[level_index][position]), len(sprite.frames))), name="attack") # Add an explosion effect frameset sprite.add_frameset(name="explode", switch=True, framerate=70) surface = pygame.Surface((200, 200), pygame.SRCALPHA) thickness = 6 color = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0) for radius in range(6, 100, 4): frame = surface.copy() ratio = float(radius - 6) / (100 - 6) color.hsla = 60 * (1 - ratio), 100, 50, 100 pygame.draw.circle(frame, color, (100, 100), radius, max(1, int(thickness))) thickness -= .2 sprite.add_frame(frame) sprite.add_frameset(list(range(0, len(self.swords[level_index][position]))), name="normal", switch=True) # Place on screen around an invisible rectangle in the center if position in (NS.W, NS.E): sprite.location.centery = dsr.centery - 80 if position == NS.W: sprite.location.centerx = dsr.centerx - 100 else: sprite.location.centerx = dsr.centerx + 100 elif position in (NS.N, NS.S): sprite.location.centerx = dsr.centerx if position == NS.N: sprite.location.centery = dsr.centery - 150 else: sprite.location.centery = dsr.centery + 20 else: sprite.location.center = dsr.centerx, dsr.centery - 80 self.sprites.append(sprite) self.get_audio().play_sfx("brandish") # Set brandish to complete on a delay self.play(self.lower, delay=400, play_once=True) # Brandish more swords if len(self.parent.unbrandished) > 0: self.play(self.brandish, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "sword-delay"), play_once=True) # Trigger boss's sword swab animation on a delay self.parent.level_sprite_arm().unhide() self.parent.level_sprite_arm().set_frameset(str(position)) if len(self.parent.unbrandished) > 0: self.play(self.swab, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "sword-delay") - 60 * 4, play_once=True, position=position) def swab(self, position): """ Activate boss's sword swab animation """ self.parent.level_sprite_arm().set_frameset(f"{position}_{self.parent.unbrandished[0]}") def lower(self): """ Set brandish to complete. """ if len(self.parent.unbrandished) == 0: self.parent.brandish_complete = True self.parent.backgrounds[self.parent.level_index].set_frameset("normal") self.parent.level_sprite_arm().hide() def block(self): """ Successfully block a sword move, setting the sprite to attacking and moving the active index. """ if self.sprites: self.attack(player=False) self.active_sprite_index += 1 def attack(self, player): """ Set the currently active sprite to its attacking animation. @param player boolean that sets whether the attack is toward the player or boss """ center_save = self.sprites[self.active_sprite_index].location.center self.sprites[self.active_sprite_index].set_frameset("attack") self.sprites[self.active_sprite_index].location.center = center_save self.attacking_player = player def active_sprite(self): """ Get the sprite that is currently front of the queue (next to get hit) """ return self.sprites[self.active_sprite_index] def update(self): """ Draw previously blocked swords and the boss's current move sword. """ Animation.update(self) if self.sprites: for ii, sprite in enumerate(self.sprites[:self.active_sprite_index + 1]): if sprite.get_current_frameset().name == "attack" and not sprite.is_hidden(): if self.attacking_player and ii == self.active_sprite_index: scale = 1.1 end = self.get_game().platform.view.location.center else: scale = 0.95 end = self.get_game().boss.alien.location.center for frame_index in sprite.get_current_frameset().order: width, height = sprite.frames[frame_index].get_size() if width < 800 and height < 800: scaled_width, scaled_height = int(width * scale), int(height * scale) sprite.frames[frame_index] = pygame.transform.scale(sprite.frames[frame_index], (scaled_width, scaled_height)) if width >= 800 or width < 75 or height >= 800 or height < 75: if self.attacking_player and ii == self.active_sprite_index: sprite.hide() self.get_game().boss.start_player_damage() self.get_audio().play_sfx("damage", x=sprite.location.centerx) self.get_game().chemtrails.display_hurt() else: center_save = sprite.location.center sprite.set_frameset("explode") sprite.location.center = center_save self.get_audio().play_sfx("explode", x=sprite.location.centerx) if self.parent.is_playing(self.parent.end_hit_animation, include_delay=True): self.parent.halt(self.parent.end_hit_animation) self.parent.level_sprite().set_frameset("hurt") self.parent.play(self.parent.end_hit_animation, play_once=True, delay=500) else: center_save = sprite.location.center sprite.get_current_frameset().measure_rect() sprite.update_location_size() sprite.location.center = center_save elif sprite.get_current_frameset().name == "explode" and not sprite.is_hidden(): if sprite.get_current_frameset().get_current_id() == sprite.get_current_frameset().order[-1]: sprite.hide() sprite.update() class Health(Meter): OFFSET = 4 def __init__(self, parent): Meter.__init__(self, parent) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.background = load(self.get_resource("HUD_boss.png")).convert() self.rect = self.background.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = dsr.centerx, self.OFFSET def setup(self): level_index = self.get_game().boss.level_index if level_index == 0: icon_index = 22 elif level_index == 1: icon_index = 17 elif level_index == 2: icon_index = 19 Meter.setup(self, self.background, self.rect, 52, (255, 0, 255), 100, "scrapeIcons/scrapeIcons_%i.png" % icon_index) def reset(self): self.setup() Meter.reset(self) def decrease(self, damage): self.change(-damage) self.parent.damage() if self.amount <= 0: self.amount = 0 self.get_audio().play_sfx("complete_pattern_1") self.get_audio().play_sfx("defeat") self.get_game().boss.finish_battle(True) else: self.parent.play(self.parent.cancel_flash, delay=1000, play_once=True) class Ending(Animation): """ Scene for the end of a successful play session. The Tony and slime bag sprites will be displayed, and Tony will say something to the player. The player's time will be displayed as a sprite that bounces around the screen. """ BOSS_RUSH_TEXT = "Wow! You vanquished all the goons and skated like a pro, slime bag." + \ " You made your\nfather proud today. I love you, child." def __init__(self, parent): Animation.__init__(self, parent) self.slime_bag = Chemtrails(self) self.tony_avatar = load(self.get_resource("Introduction_tony_avatar.png")).convert() self.time_font = Font(self.get_resource("rounded-mplus-1m-bold.ttf"), 64) self.rank_font = Font(self.get_resource("rounded-mplus-1m-bold.ttf"), 26) self.register(self.start, self.start_wipe) self.register(self.append_sword, interval=1500) self.swords = [] def reset(self): self.deactivate() self.halt() self.text_index = 0 self.angle = choice((pi / 4, 3 * pi / 4, 5 * pi / 4, 7 * pi / 4)) self.slime_bag.reset() def deactivate(self): self.active = False self.slime_bag.deactivate() def activate(self, level_index): self.defeated_level_index = level_index self.active = True self.play(self.start, delay=3000, play_once=True) foreground = get_boxed_surface( self.time_font.render(str(self.get_game().most_recent_score), False, (180, 150, 20), (255, 255, 255)).convert_alpha(), background=(255, 255, 255), padding=(38, 0)) if self.rank() % 100 // 10 != 1: if self.rank() % 10 == 1: ordinal = "ST" elif self.rank() % 10 == 2: ordinal = "ND" elif self.rank() % 10 == 3: ordinal = "RD" else: ordinal = "TH" else: ordinal = "TH" rank = self.rank_font.render(f"{self.rank()}{ordinal}", False, (180, 150, 20), (255, 255, 255)) rank = pygame.transform.rotate(rank, 90) rank_rect = rank.get_rect() rank_rect.midleft = foreground.get_rect().midleft foreground.blit(rank, rank_rect) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() self.text = RainbowSprite(self, foreground, 180, 200) self.text.location.midtop = dsr.centerx, 80 self.get_game().tony.set_frameset("static") dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue dialogue.activate() dialogue.set_avatar(self.tony_avatar) dialogue.set_name("???") dialogue.show_text("") self.play(self.start_wipe, delay=self.get_configuration("time", "ending-timeout"), play_once=True) self.get_audio().play_bgm("end") self.slime_bag.activate() self.play(self.append_sword) def rank(self): """ Get the rank of the currently displaying score """ rank = 0 for score in sorted([score for score in self.get_game().scores if score.level_index == self.defeated_level_index]): rank += 1 if score == self.get_game().most_recent_score: break return rank def start(self): dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue if self.get_configuration("system", "enable-level-select"): text = f"You vanquished my goon and got the #{self.rank()} rank! Well done, slime bag.\n" if self.defeated_level_index == 2: dialogue.set_name("Tony") text += "You made your father proud today. I love you child." elif self.defeated_level_index == 1: text += "Give expert mode a try next." else: text += "Give advanced mode a try next." else: text = self.BOSS_RUSH_TEXT dialogue.set_name("Tony") dialogue.show_text(text) self.text_index = 0 def end_game(self): self.deactivate() self.get_game().reset(True) def start_wipe(self): self.get_game().wipe.start(self.end_game) def append_sword(self): """ Add a sword to the list based on what button is pressed. Remove swords that are out of view. """ edge = self.get_game().platform.get_edge_pressed() if edge is not None: sprite = Sprite(self) # Add frames from Boss->Sword storage for frame in self.get_game().boss.sword.swords[0][edge]: sprite.add_frame(frame) if edge == NS.W: sprite.location.midleft = self.slime_bag.location.midleft elif edge == NS.E: sprite.location.midright = self.slime_bag.location.midright else: sprite.location.center = self.slime_bag.location.center self.swords.append(sprite) outgoing = [] for sword in self.swords: if sword.location.bottom < 0: outgoing.append(sword) for sword in outgoing: self.swords.remove(sword) def update(self): if self.active: Animation.update(self) dialogue = self.get_game().dialogue wipe = self.get_game().wipe self.get_game().logo.update() self.get_game().tony.update() # Draw swords shot at Tony for sword in self.swords: sword.move(0, -5) sword.update() self.slime_bag.update(offset=(0, -30)) dsr = self.get_display_surface().get_rect() # Bounce the time sprite around the screen if self.text.location.right > dsr.right or self.text.location.left < dsr.left: self.angle = reflect_angle(self.angle, 0) if self.text.location.right > dsr.right: self.text.move(dsr.right - self.text.location.right) else: self.text.move(dsr.left - self.text.location.left) if self.text.location.bottom > self.get_game().dialogue.avatar_box.location.top or self.text.location.top < dsr.top: self.angle = reflect_angle(self.angle, pi) if self.text.location.top < dsr.top: self.text.move(dy=dsr.top - self.text.location.top) else: self.text.move(dy=self.get_game().dialogue.avatar_box.location.top - self.text.location.bottom) dx, dy = get_delta(self.angle, 5, False) self.text.move(dx, dy) self.text.update() self.get_game().dialogue.update()