
1223 lines
55 KiB

#VRML V2.0 utf8
#kicad StepUp wrl exported
# Copyright (C) 2017, Terje Io
# ---
# This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License with the following exception:
# To the extent that the creation of electronic designs that use 'Licensed Material'
# can be considered to be 'Adapted Material', then the copyright holder waives
# article 3 of the license with respect to these designs and any generated files
# which use data provided as part of the 'Licensed Material'.
# ---
# Please refer to for further clarification of the exception.
# ---
# Risk disclaimer:
# Generated by script, source at:
Shape {
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 -1.902 2.303,-1.039 -1.902 0.492,-0.961 -1.902 0.492,-0.961 -1.902 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -1.902 0.492,0.039 -1.902 2.303,-0.039 -1.902 2.303,-0.039 -1.902 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -2.098 0.492,0.039 -1.902 0.492,-0.039 -1.902 0.492,-0.039 -2.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -2.098 2.303,0.039 -2.098 0.492,-0.039 -2.098 0.492,-0.039 -2.098 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -0.902 0.492,0.039 -0.902 2.303,-0.039 -0.902 2.303,-0.039 -0.902 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -1.098 0.492,0.039 -0.902 0.492,-0.039 -0.902 0.492,-0.039 -1.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -1.098 2.303,0.039 -1.098 0.492,-0.039 -1.098 0.492,-0.039 -1.098 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 -1.098 0.492,-1.039 -1.098 2.303,-0.961 -1.098 2.303,-0.961 -1.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 -0.902 0.492,-1.039 -1.098 0.492,-0.961 -1.098 0.492,-0.961 -0.902 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 -0.902 2.303,-1.039 -0.902 0.492,-0.961 -0.902 0.492,-0.961 -0.902 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 -0.098 0.492,-1.039 -0.098 2.303,-0.961 -0.098 2.303,-0.961 -0.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 0.098 0.492,-1.039 -0.098 0.492,-0.961 -0.098 0.492,-0.961 0.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-1.039 0.098 2.303,-1.039 0.098 0.492,-0.961 0.098 0.492,-0.961 0.098 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 0.098 0.492,0.039 0.098 2.303,-0.039 0.098 2.303,-0.039 0.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -0.098 0.492,0.039 0.098 0.492,-0.039 0.098 0.492,-0.039 -0.098 0.492]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [0.039 -0.098 2.303,0.039 -0.098 0.492,-0.039 -0.098 0.492,-0.039 -0.098 2.303]
appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-02 }