``` _______________ ,-----------------------------------------------------------. //`````````````\\ \ \ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ \ by @ohsqueezy & @sleepin \ //=================\\ \ [ohsqueezy.itch.io] [sleepin.itch.io] \ // \\ \ \ // \\ \ zlib licensed code at [open.shampoo.ooo/shampoo/gunkiss] \ // ☆ GUNKISS ☆ \\ \ \ //_________________________\\ `-----------------------------------------------------------' ``` Gunkiss ======= Generate a custom pudding from food product UPC codes and help a pair of rats take over the video game industry, using their extraterrestrial ability to turn trash into performance enhancing drug puddings that enable business professionals to predict the stock market with supernatural accuracy. Where to play ------------- Gunkiss is in-development. Public builds for the web and Android are expected to be released soon. Building from source -------------------- First, checkout the full repository. git clone --recursive https://open.shampoo.ooo/shampoo/gunkiss ### Required Libraries The following external programs and libraries are required to compile the game. #### SPACEBOX The [SPACEBOX game framework][] is being developed simultaneously and should be checked out into `lib/sb` as a submodule of the project using the `--recursive` flag as shown above. #### cURL The game uses [cURL][] to communicate with the [Open Food Facts][] API. The cURL library and development headers must be installed to the system paths in order to compile the program. ##### Linux On Linux, you can install libcurl and development headers through the package manager. For example, on Debian: sudo apt install libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev ##### Other systems See [the downloads page][] for ways to get the library and headers. It must be installed in such a way that linking can be done with `-lcurl` and headers are in the default search path. #### OpenCV The game uses [OpenCV][] to enable barcode reading through the camera. The library and headers by default are expected to be installed to `[HOME]/local/opencv/lib` and `[HOME]/local/opencv/headers` respectively, but those locations can be edited in the [Makefile][] #### ZBar The game uses [ZBar][] to scan images for barcodes and report what the barcode is. The library and headers by default are expected to be installed to `[HOME]/local/zbar/lib` and `[HOME]/local/zbar/headers` respectively, but those locations can be edited in the [Makefile][]. ### Compiling Once the requirements are satisfied, run `make linux` to compile. The executable will be saved to the root folder as `gunkiss`. #### Compiler The project is developed using `clang`, but `gcc` can be substituted. Environment variables for `CC` and `CXX` can be used to change the default compiler. [cURL]: https://curl.se/ [Open Food Facts]: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/ [OpenCV]: https://opencv.org/ [ZBar]: http://zbar.sourceforge.net/ [Makefile]: Makefile [SPACEBOX game framework]: https://open.shampoo.ooo/shampoo/spacebox