/* _______________ ,-------------------------------------------------. //`````````````\\ \ \ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ \ by @ohsqueezy & @sleepin \ //=================\\ \ [ohsqueezy.itch.io] [sleepin.itch.io] \ // \\ \ \ // \\ \ zlib licensed code at [git.nugget.fun/pudding] \ // ☆ GUNKISS ☆ \\ \ \ //_________________________\\ `-------------------------------------------------*/ #include "Item.hpp" Item::Item() {}; void Item::text_property(const std::string& value, std::string& property, const std::string& property_name) { if (property == "") { if (value != "") { property = value; sb::Log::log("set " + property_name + " to " + property + " in " + full_name()); } else { sb::Log::log("empty string passed, not setting " + property_name + " in " + full_name(), sb::Log::DEBUG); } } else { sb::Log::log(property_name + " already set to " + property + " in " + full_name() + ", not setting", sb::Log::DEBUG); } } void Item::brand_name(const std::string& name) { text_property(name, item_brand_name, "brand name"); } const std::string& Item::brand_name() const { return item_brand_name; } void Item::product_name(const std::string& name) { text_property(name, item_product_name, "product name"); } const std::string& Item::product_name() const { return item_product_name; } void Item::upc(const std::string& upc) { text_property(upc, item_upc, "UPC"); } const std::string& Item::upc() const { return item_upc; } std::string Item::full_name() const { std::string name = brand_name(); if (name != "") { name += " "; } name += product_name(); /* If no names have been set yet, try the UPC as a name */ if (name == "") { name = upc(); } return name; } void Item::texture(sb::Texture& texture, const std::string& name) { item_view.texture(texture, name); } sb::Texture& Item::current_texture() { return carousel.current(item_view.textures())->second; } void Item::next_texture() { carousel.next(item_view.textures()); } void Item::previous_texture() { carousel.previous(item_view.textures()); } std::size_t Item::texture_count() { return item_view.textures().size(); } Plane& Item::view() { return item_view; } /* Return true if the current texture is the first texture added. */ bool Item::at_first() const { return carousel.at_beginning(); } /* Return true if the current texture is the last texture added. */ bool Item::at_last() { return carousel.at_end(item_view.textures()); } /* Set current texture to the first texture added. */ void Item::to_first() { carousel.beginning(); } /* Set texture to the last texture added. */ void Item::to_last() { carousel.end(item_view.textures()); } std::ostream& std::operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Item& item) { out << item.full_name(); return out; }