# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from random import randint, randrange, choice from time import time from operator import itemgetter from pygame import Surface, PixelArray, Rect from pygame.draw import aalines, polygon from pygame.font import Font from pygame.mixer import Sound from pygame.locals import * from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Game import Game from lib.pgfw.pgfw.GameChild import GameChild from lib.pgfw.pgfw.Sprite import Sprite from lib.pgfw.pgfw.extension import render_box # Import GPIO library if available try: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO except ImportError: pass class ElectricSieve(Game): # The GPIO pins corresponding to the buttons and LED indicators PIN_BUTTON_UP = 17 PIN_BUTTON_DOWN = 27 PIN_LED_UP = 22 PIN_LED_DOWN = 23 def __init__(self): """ Initialize super class, GPIO input, background, and activate the title screen. """ # Initialize super Game.__init__(self) # Initialize GPIO input and callbacks if GPIO library is loaded if "RPi.GPIO" in sys.modules: self.initialize_gpio() # Create a purple background self.background = Surface(self.display.screen.get_size()) self.background.fill((255, 80, 190)) # Start the title screen self.title.activate() def gpio_enabled(self): """ @return True if GPIO mode was requested at launch, False otherwise """ return "--gpio" in sys.argv def initialize_gpio(self): """ Set pin numbering mode to GPIO, initialize all buttons to input pullup. """ # Use GPIO numbering GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set button pins to pullup and attach to each a callback that runs on press or release for pin in self.PIN_BUTTON_UP, self.PIN_BUTTON_DOWN: GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.add_event_detect(pin, GPIO.BOTH, self.gpio_input) def gpio_input(self, pin): """ Translate GPIO input into PGFW commands, so Raspberry Pi wired controllers be used for input. The pin will be checked for a low signal, meaning the pin has been connected to ground, which is translated to a button press. If the low signal is not detected, it is translated to a button release. Usually called as a callback by `GPIO.add_event_detect` but can be called directly. @param pin Raspberry Pi pin number as read by the RPi.GPIO library """ cancel = not (GPIO.input(pin) == GPIO.LOW) if pin == ElectricSieve.PIN_BUTTON_UP: self.input.post_command("left", cancel=cancel) elif pin == ElectricSieve.PIN_BUTTON_DOWN: self.input.post_command("right", cancel=cancel) self.input.post_any_command(id=pin, cancel=cancel) def set_children(self): Game.set_children(self) self.title = Title(self) self.sieve = Sieve(self) self.triangles = Triangles(self) self.acid = Acid(self) self.static = Static(self) def update(self): self.title.update() if self.triangles.active: self.display.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) self.triangles.update() self.sieve.update() self.static.update() class Title(GameChild): def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.delegate = self.parent.delegate bg_color = (255, 222, 173) self.background = surface = Surface(self.display_surface.get_size()) tile = Surface((2, 2)) tile.fill(bg_color) tile.set_at((0, 1), (220, 119, 41)) tile.set_at((1, 0), (220, 119, 41)) for y in range(0, surface.get_height(), 2): for x in range(0, surface.get_width(), 2): surface.blit(tile, (x, y)) # font = Font(self.get_resource("display", "title-font-path"), 20) # font.set_italic(True) # font.set_bold(True) # self.captions = captions = Sprite(self), Sprite(self) # colors = (0, 68, 170), (255, 255, 255), (128, 128, 128), \ # (220, 119, 41), (255, 80, 80), (0, 90, 110) # texts = ["", ""] # for ii, text in \ # enumerate(self.get_configuration("display", # "caption").upper().split()): # texts[ii] += "•" * (5 if ii else 3) # for ch in text: # texts[ii] += ch + " " # texts[ii] = texts[ii].strip() + "•" * (5 if ii else 3) # for _ in range(25): # color = choice(colors) # captions[0].add_frame(font.render(texts[0], True, color, (220, 208, 255))) # captions[1].add_frame(font.render(texts[1], True, color, (220, 208, 255))) # cx = self.display_surface.get_rect().centerx # captions[0].location.center = cx, 301 # captions[1].location.center = cx, 398 self.scoreboard = Scoreboard(self) self.music = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "title")) self.advance = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "title-advance")) self.subscribe(self.respond) def respond(self, event): if self.active: if self.delegate.compare(event, "advance"): self.deactivate() self.parent.triangles.activate() self.parent.sieve.activate() self.parent.static.activate() self.advance.play() def activate(self): self.active = True self.music.play(-1) def deactivate(self): self.active = False self.music.fadeout(500) def update(self): if self.active: self.display_surface.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) # for caption in self.captions: # caption.update() self.scoreboard.update() class Strip(Sprite): LEFT, RIGHT = range(2) def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) self.deactivate() self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.delegate = self.get_game().delegate self.hshifts = Shift(self, 1, "shift-2"), Shift(self, -1, "shift-2") self.add_frames() self.subscribe(self.respond) def deactivate(self): self.active = False def reset(self): for shift in self.hshifts: shift.reset() def add_frames(self): pass def respond(self, event): """ Translate input events into movement of the sieve object. This function is usually set as a callback, but it can be called directly. @param event `pygame.event.Event` with input """ if self.active: compare = self.delegate.compare if compare(event, "left") or compare(event, "left", True): self.hshifts[self.LEFT].active = not event.cancel elif compare(event, "right") or compare(event, "right", True): self.hshifts[self.RIGHT].active = not event.cancel def activate(self): self.active = True def update(self): if self.active: for shift in self.hshifts: shift.update() if shift.time: self.move(shift.get_change()) Sprite.update(self) class Shift(GameChild): def __init__(self, parent, direction, nodeset): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.direction = direction self.reset() self.timer = self.get_game().time_filter self.nodeset = self.get_game().interpolator.get_nodeset(nodeset) def reset(self): self.active = False self.time = 0 def update(self): least, greatest = self.nodeset[0].x, self.nodeset[-1].x if self.active and self.time < greatest: self.time = min(self.time + self.timer.get_last_frame_duration(), greatest) elif not self.active and self.time > least: self.time = max(self.time - self.timer.get_last_frame_duration(), least) def get_change(self): return self.nodeset.get_y(self.time) * self.direction class Scoreboard(GameChild): BACKGROUND = 255, 255, 255 FOREGROUND = 27, 27, 27 NEW = 27, 27, 27 SPACING = 70 MARGIN = 30 BLINK_INTERVAL = 400 PADDING = 6 BORDER = 1 SCORE_COUNT = 9 def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) ds = self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.scores_path = self.get_resource("score", "path") self.most_recent_score = None self.load() def load(self): self.sprites = sprites = [] font_path = self.get_resource("display", "scoreboard-font-path") sizes = [24] * self.SCORE_COUNT blink = False for ii, score in enumerate(self.get_scores()[:len(sizes)]): font = Font(font_path, sizes[ii]) sprites.append((Sprite(self, self.BLINK_INTERVAL), Sprite(self, self.BLINK_INTERVAL))) score_text = str(score[1]) color = self.BACKGROUND if (self.most_recent_score and not blink and score[1:] == \ self.most_recent_score) else self.FOREGROUND score_plate = font.render(score_text, False, color, self.BACKGROUND) rect = score_plate.get_rect() surface = Surface(rect.inflate((2, 2)).size) surface.fill(self.FOREGROUND) rect.center = surface.get_rect().center surface.blit(score_plate, rect) sprites[ii][1].add_frame(render_box(font, score_text, False, color, self.BACKGROUND, self.FOREGROUND, self.BORDER, self.PADDING)) sprites[ii][0].add_frame(render_box(font, score[2], False, color, self.BACKGROUND, self.FOREGROUND, self.BORDER, self.PADDING)) if self.most_recent_score and not blink and score[1:] == self.most_recent_score: sprites[ii][1].add_frame(render_box(font, score_text, False, self.NEW, self.BACKGROUND, self.FOREGROUND, self.BORDER, self.PADDING)) sprites[ii][0].add_frame(render_box(font, score[2], False, self.NEW, self.BACKGROUND, self.FOREGROUND, self.BORDER, self.PADDING)) blink = True sprites[ii][0].location.left = self.MARGIN sprites[ii][1].location.right = self.get_display_surface().get_rect().right - self.MARGIN y = self.get_display_surface().get_rect().centery + self.SPACING * (ii - len(sizes) / 2) for sprite in sprites[ii]: sprite.location.centery = y def get_scores(self): scores = [] for line in open(self.scores_path, "r"): fields = line.split() scores.append((float(fields[0]), int(fields[1]), fields[2])) scores = sorted(scores, key=itemgetter(0)) return sorted(scores, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) def write(self, initials): score = int(round(self.get_game().triangles.score)) fields = str(time()), str(score), initials open(self.scores_path, "a").write(fields[0] + " " + fields[1] + " " + fields[2] + "\n") self.most_recent_score = score, initials self.load() def update(self): for pair in self.sprites: for sprite in pair: sprite.update() class Sieve(Strip): UP, DOWN = range(2) def __init__(self, parent): Strip.__init__(self, parent) self.delegate = self.get_game().delegate self.electric = Electric(self) self.add_location(offset=(self.location.w, 0)) def add_frames(self): bar_locations = [] self.bar_rects = bar_rects = [] x = 0 sh = 30 nodeset = self.get_game().interpolator.get_nodeset("scale") self.bar_w = bar_w = 3 self.gaps = gaps = [] while x < nodeset[-1].x: bar_locations.append(x) bar_rects.append(Rect(x, 0, bar_w, sh)) gaps.append(nodeset.get_y(x, natural=True)) x += gaps[-1] surface = Surface((x, sh)) transparent_color = (255, 0, 255) surface.fill(transparent_color) surface.set_colorkey(transparent_color) frames = surface, surface.copy() colors = (0, 255, 0), (153, 0, 204) for x in bar_locations: bar_rects.append(Rect(x + surface.get_width(), 0, bar_w, sh)) for ii, frame in enumerate(frames): frame.fill(colors[ii], (x, 0, bar_w, sh)) frame.fill(colors[ii - 1], (x + 1, 1, 1, sh - 2)) for frame in frames: self.add_frame(frame) def reset(self): Strip.reset(self) self.location.centerx = self.display_surface.get_rect().centerx self.locations[1].centerx = self.location.centerx + self.location.w def update(self): if self.active: if self.location.right < 0: self.move(self.location.w) if self.locations[1].left > self.display_surface.get_width(): self.move(-self.location.w) for location in self.locations: location.bottom = self.parent.acid.get_top() self.electric.location.centery = self.location.centery + 13 self.electric.update() for rect in self.bar_rects: rect.centery = self.location.centery Strip.update(self) class Electric(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.add_frames() def add_frames(self): surface = Surface((self.display_surface.get_width(), self.parent.location.h - 10)) frames = surface, surface.copy() colors = (255, 255, 0), (100, 89, 213) pixel_arrays = PixelArray(frames[0]), PixelArray(frames[1]) for x in range(len(pixel_arrays[0])): for y in range( len(pixel_arrays[0][0])): pixel_arrays[0][x][y] = colors[(y + x) % 2] pixel_arrays[1][x][y] = colors[(y + x + 1) % 2] for pixels in pixel_arrays: del pixels for frame in frames: self.add_frame(frame) class Triangles(GameChild, list): def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.music = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "triangles")) self.deactivate() self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.delegate = self.get_game().delegate self.booster = Shift(self, 1, "boost") self.hit = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "hit")) self.miss = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "miss")) self.reset() self.subscribe(self.respond) def deactivate(self): self.active = False self.music.fadeout(500) def reset(self): list.__init__(self, []) self.streak = 0 self.score = 0 self.booster.reset() def populate(self): if not self: self.append(Triangle(self)) self[-1].location.bottom = 0 self.set_next_gap() while self[-1].location.top > -self.display_surface.get_height(): self.append(Triangle(self)) self[-1].location.bottom = self[-2].location.top - self.next_gap self.set_next_gap() def set_next_gap(self): self.next_gap = randint(500, 800) def respond(self, event): if self.active: compare = self.delegate.compare if compare(event, "down") or compare(event, "down", True): self.booster.active = not event.cancel def get_boost(self): return self.booster.get_change() def activate(self): self.active = True self.music.play(-1, 0, 500) def update(self): if self.active: self.populate() self.booster.update() if self[0].location.collidelist(self.parent.sieve.locations) != -1: sieve = self.parent.sieve if self[0].location.colliderect(sieve.electric.location): self.parent.acid.increase() self.streak += 1 self.score += self.streak ** .8 + \ self.parent.acid.get_volume() * 5 + \ self[0].count self.remove(self[0]) self.hit.play() else: for br in sieve.bar_rects: for tr in self[0].collision_rects: if tr.move((self[0].location.left, 0)).colliderect(br.move((sieve.location.left, 0))): self.remove(self[0]) self.parent.static.increase() self.streak = 0 self.miss.play() break for triangle in self: triangle.update() class Triangle(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) mark = randint(112, 328) sieve = self.parent.parent.sieve gaps = sieve.gaps start = randrange(0, len(gaps)) widths = [gaps[start]] while sum(widths) < mark: widths.append(gaps[(start + len(widths)) % len(gaps)]) surface = Surface((sum(widths), 20)) surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) x = 0 height = surface.get_height() margin = 26 self.collision_rects = collision_rects = [] for width in widths: x += sieve.bar_w points = (x + margin / 2, height - 2), \ (x + width - margin / 2 - 1, height - 2), \ (x + width / 2.0, 1) polygon(surface, (60, 255, 220), points) collision_rects.append(Rect(points[0], (width - margin - 1, 1))) x += width - sieve.bar_w self.add_frame(surface) self.location.centerx = self.get_display_surface().get_rect().centerx self.count = len(widths) def update(self): self.move(dy=9.5 * self.get_game().acid.get_volume() + 3.8 + \ self.parent.get_boost()) for rect in self.collision_rects: rect.bottom = self.location.bottom Sprite.update(self) class Acid(GameChild): def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.level_r = 80, 320 self.nodeset = self.get_game().interpolator.get_nodeset("volume") self.reset() def reset(self): self.substance = 0 def get_top(self): return self.display_surface.get_height() - self.get_level() def get_level(self): return self.get_volume() * (self.level_r[1] - self.level_r[0]) + \ self.level_r[0] def get_volume(self): return self.nodeset.get_y(self.substance) def increase(self): self.substance += 1 class Static(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent, 120) self.noise = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "noise")) self.end = Sound(self.get_resource("audio", "end")) self.deactivate() self.delegate = self.get_game().delegate self.increaser = Shift(self, 1, "intensity") self.total = Total(self) self.initials = Initials(self) self.reset() self.add_frames() self.subscribe(self.respond) def deactivate(self): self.active = False self.end.fadeout(500) def reset(self): self.complete = False self.intensity = 0 self.noise.set_volume(0) self.increaser.reset() def add_frames(self): surface = Surface(self.get_display_surface().get_size()) frames = surface, surface.copy(), surface.copy(), surface.copy() tiles = [] for _ in range(32): tiles.append(Surface((16, 16))) pixel_arrays = [] for tile in tiles: pixel_arrays.append(PixelArray(tile)) colors = (0, 0, 0), (64, 64, 64), (128, 128, 128), (196, 196, 196), \ (255, 255, 255) for x in range(len(pixel_arrays[0])): for y in range(len(pixel_arrays[0][0])): for pixels in pixel_arrays: pixels[x][y] = choice(colors) for pixels in pixel_arrays: del pixels del pixel_arrays for frame in frames: for y in range(0, frame.get_height(), tiles[0].get_height()): for x in range(0, frame.get_width(), tiles[0].get_width()): frame.blit(choice(tiles), (x, y)) self.add_frame(frame) def respond(self, event): if self.active and self.complete and not self.initials.active: if self.delegate.compare(event, "advance"): if self.get_game().triangles.score > \ self.get_game().title.scoreboard.get_scores()[Scoreboard.SCORE_COUNT - 1][1]: self.total.deactivate() self.initials.activate() else: self.finish(wipe=True) def finish(self, text="---", wipe=False): if wipe: self.parent.title.scoreboard.most_recent_score = None self.parent.title.scoreboard.write(text) self.total.deactivate() self.deactivate() self.reset() self.parent.acid.reset() self.parent.triangles.reset() self.parent.sieve.reset() self.parent.title.activate() def increase(self): self.intensity += self.increaser.get_change() if self.intensity > 1: self.intensity = 1 self.increaser.time += 12000 if self.increaser.time >= self.increaser.nodeset[-1].x + 5000: self.increaser.time = self.increaser.nodeset[-1].x + 5000 def activate(self): self.active = True self.noise.play(-1) def update(self): if self.active: if not self.complete and self.intensity >= .65: self.complete = True self.parent.sieve.deactivate() self.parent.triangles.deactivate() self.set_alpha(255) self.noise.fadeout(6000) self.end.play(-1, 0, 4000) self.total.load() elif not self.complete: self.set_alpha(int(self.intensity * 255)) if self.intensity > 0: self.intensity *= .998 self.increaser.update() self.noise.set_volume(self.intensity) Sprite.update(self) self.total.update() self.initials.update() class Initials(GameChild): LETTER_SIZE = 24 FOREGROUND = 27, 27, 27 BACKGROUND = 255, 255, 255 PADDING = 10 ARROW_MARGIN = 40 ARROW_HEIGHT = 10 def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.reset() self.deactivate() self.font = Font(self.get_resource("display", "initials-font"), self.LETTER_SIZE) self.subscribe(self.respond) def reset(self): self.text = "---" self.index = 0 def deactivate(self): self.active = False def respond(self, event): if self.active: compare = self.get_game().delegate.compare if compare(event, "right") or compare(event, "advance"): self.index += 1 if self.index == len(self.text): self.index = 0 if compare(event, "advance"): self.deactivate() self.parent.finish(self.text) elif compare(event, "left"): self.index -= 1 if self.index == -1: self.index = len(self.text) - 1 elif compare(event, "up") or compare(event, "down"): if compare(event, "up"): increment = 1 elif compare(event, "down"): increment = -1 letter = self.text[self.index] if letter == '-': letter = 'A' if increment == 1 else 'Z' else: letter = chr(ord(letter) + increment) if ord(letter) == 91 or ord(letter) == 64: letter = '-' replacement = "" for ii in range(len(self.text)): if ii == self.index: replacement += letter else: replacement += self.text[ii] self.text = replacement def activate(self): self.active = True def update(self): if self.active: ds = self.get_display_surface() for ii, letter in enumerate(self.text): box = render_box(self.font, letter, False, self.FOREGROUND, self.BACKGROUND, self.FOREGROUND, padding=self.PADDING) rect = box.get_rect() rect.centery = ds.get_rect().centery rect.centerx = ii * ds.get_width() / 3 + ds.get_width() / 6 ds.blit(box, rect) if ii == self.index: margin = self.ARROW_MARGIN polygon(ds, (0, 255, 0), ((rect.left, rect.top - margin), (rect.right, rect.top - margin), (rect.centerx, rect.top - margin - self.ARROW_HEIGHT))) polygon(ds, (0, 255, 0), ((rect.left, rect.bottom + margin), (rect.right, rect.bottom + margin), (rect.centerx, rect.bottom + margin + self.ARROW_HEIGHT))) class Total(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent, 68) self.deactivate() self.font = Font(self.get_resource("display", "score-font-path"), 72) # self.font.set_italic(True) def deactivate(self): self.active = False def load(self): self.clear_frames() score = "" for ch in str(int(round(self.get_game().triangles.score))): score += ch + " " colors = (255, 255, 180), (180, 255, 255), (255, 180, 255), \ (255, 220, 160), (160, 255, 220), (220, 160, 255) template = Surface((self.display_surface.get_width(), 100)) transparent_color = (255, 0, 255) template.fill(transparent_color) template.set_colorkey(transparent_color) tr = template.get_rect() template.fill((255, 0, 0), (0, 20, tr.w, 1)) template.fill((255, 128, 128), (0, 21, tr.w, 1)) for y in range(22, 78, 2): template.fill((255, 255, 255), (0, y, tr.w, 1)) template.fill((255, 128, 128), (0, 78, tr.w, 1)) template.fill((255, 0, 0), (0, 79, tr.w, 1)) for _ in range(20): # surface = template.copy() surface = Surface(template.get_size(), SRCALPHA) # polygon(surface, choice(colors), ((tr.centerx - 7, 19), # (tr.centerx, 0), # (tr.centerx + 7, 19))) text = self.font.render(score, True, choice(colors)) rect = text.get_rect() rect.center = tr.centerx, tr.centery + 2 surface.blit(text, rect) # polygon(surface, choice(colors), ((tr.centerx - 7, 80), # (tr.centerx, tr.h - 1), # (tr.centerx + 7, 80))) self.add_frame(surface) self.location.center = self.display_surface.get_rect().center self.active = True def update(self): if self.active: Sprite.update(self)