from re import match from os.path import join from tempfile import gettempdir from pygame import Surface from pygame.font import Font from pygame.draw import aaline from pygame.locals import * from GameChild import GameChild from Sprite import Sprite from Animation import Animation class Interpolator(list, GameChild): def __init__(self, parent): GameChild.__init__(self, parent) self.set_nodesets() self.gui_enabled = self.check_command_line("-interpolator") if self.gui_enabled: self.gui = GUI(self) def set_nodesets(self): config = self.get_configuration() if config.has_section("interpolate"): for name, value in config.get_section("interpolate").iteritems(): self.add_nodeset(name, value) def add_nodeset(self, name, value, method=None): self.append(Nodeset(name, value, method)) return len(self) - 1 def is_gui_active(self): return self.gui_enabled and def get_nodeset(self, name): for nodeset in self: if == name: return nodeset def remove(self, outgoing): for ii, nodeset in enumerate(self): if == self.pop(ii) break class Nodeset(list): LINEAR, CUBIC = range(2) def __init__(self, name, nodes, method=None): list.__init__(self, []) = name if isinstance(nodes, str): self.parse_raw(nodes) else: self.interpolation_method = method self.parse_list(nodes) self.set_splines() def parse_raw(self, raw): raw = raw.strip() if raw[0].upper() == "L": self.set_interpolation_method(self.LINEAR, False) else: self.set_interpolation_method(self.CUBIC, False) for node in raw[1:].strip().split(","): self.add_node(map(float, node.strip().split()), False) def set_interpolation_method(self, method, refresh=True): self.interpolation_method = method if refresh: self.set_splines() def add_node(self, coordinates, refresh=True): x = coordinates[0] inserted = False index = 0 for ii, node in enumerate(self): if x < node.x: self.insert(ii, Node(coordinates)) inserted = True index = ii break elif x == node.x: return None if not inserted: self.append(Node(coordinates)) index = len(self) - 1 if refresh: self.set_splines() return index def parse_list(self, nodes): for node in nodes: self.add_node(node) def set_splines(self): if self.interpolation_method == self.LINEAR: self.set_linear_splines() else: self.set_cubic_splines() def set_linear_splines(self): self.splines = splines = [] for ii in xrange(len(self) - 1): x1, y1, x2, y2 = self[ii] + self[ii + 1] m = float(y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) splines.append(LinearSpline(x1, y1, m)) def set_cubic_splines(self): n = len(self) - 1 a = [node.y for node in self] b = [None] * n d = [None] * n h = [self[ii + 1].x - self[ii].x for ii in xrange(n)] alpha = [None] + [(3.0 / h[ii]) * (a[ii + 1] - a[ii]) - \ (3.0 / h[ii - 1]) * (a[ii] - a[ii - 1]) \ for ii in xrange(1, n)] c = [None] * (n + 1) l = [None] * (n + 1) u = [None] * (n + 1) z = [None] * (n + 1) l[0] = 1 u[0] = z[0] = 0 for ii in xrange(1, n): l[ii] = 2 * (self[ii + 1].x - self[ii - 1].x) - \ h[ii - 1] * u[ii - 1] u[ii] = h[ii] / l[ii] z[ii] = (alpha[ii] - h[ii - 1] * z[ii - 1]) / l[ii] l[n] = 1 z[n] = c[n] = 0 for jj in xrange(n - 1, -1, -1): c[jj] = z[jj] - u[jj] * c[jj + 1] b[jj] = (a[jj + 1] - a[jj]) / h[jj] - \ (h[jj] * (c[jj + 1] + 2 * c[jj])) / 3 d[jj] = (c[jj + 1] - c[jj]) / (3 * h[jj]) self.splines = [CubicSpline(self[ii].x, a[ii], b[ii], c[ii], d[ii]) for ii in xrange(n)] def get_y(self, t, loop=False, reverse=False, natural=False): if loop or reverse: if reverse and int(t) / int(self[-1].x) % 2: t = self[-1].x - t t %= self[-1].x elif not natural: if t < self[0].x: t = self[0].x elif t > self[-1].x: t = self[-1].x splines = self.splines for ii in xrange(len(splines) - 1): if t < splines[ii + 1].x: return splines[ii].get_y(t) return splines[-1].get_y(t) def remove(self, node, refresh=True): list.remove(self, node) if refresh: self.set_splines() def resize(self, left, length, refresh=True): old_left = self[0].x old_length = self.get_length() for node in self: node.x = left + length * (node.x - old_left) / old_length if refresh: self.set_splines() def get_length(self): return self[-1].x - self[0].x class Node(list): def __init__(self, coordinates): list.__init__(self, coordinates) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "x": return self[0] elif name == "y": return self[1] return list.__get__(self, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "x": list.__setitem__(self, 0, value) elif name == "y": list.__setitem__(self, 1, value) else: list.__setattr__(self, name, value) class Spline: def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class CubicSpline(Spline): def __init__(self, x, a, b, c, d): Spline.__init__(self, x) self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = d def get_y(self, t): x = self.x return self.a + self.b * (t - x) + self.c * (t - x) ** 2 + self.d * \ (t - x) ** 3 class LinearSpline(Spline): def __init__(self, x, y, m): Spline.__init__(self, x) self.y = y self.m = m def get_y(self, t): return self.m * (t - self.x) + self.y class GUI(Animation): B_DUPLICATE, B_WRITE, B_DELETE, B_LINEAR, B_CUBIC, B_SPLIT = range(6) S_NONE, S_LEFT, S_RIGHT = range(3) def __init__(self, parent): Animation.__init__(self, parent, unfiltered=True) = self.get_audio() self.display = self.get_game().display self.display_surface = self.get_display_surface() self.time_filter = self.get_game().time_filter self.delegate = self.get_delegate() self.split = self.S_NONE self.success_indicator_active = True self.success_indicator_blink_count = 0 self.load_configuration() self.font = Font(None, self.label_size) self.prompt = Prompt(self) self.set_temporary_file() self.set_background() self.set_success_indicator() self.set_plot_rect() self.set_marker_frame() self.set_buttons() = False self.set_nodeset_index() self.set_y_range() self.set_markers() self.subscribe(self.respond_to_command) self.subscribe(self.respond_to_mouse_down, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) self.subscribe(self.respond_to_key, KEYDOWN) self.register(self.show_success_indicator, interval=100) self.register(self.save_temporary_file, interval=10000) def load_configuration(self): config = self.get_configuration("interpolator-gui") self.label_size = config["label-size"] self.axis_label_count = config["axis-label-count"] self.margin = config["margin"] self.curve_color = config["curve-color"] self.marker_size = config["marker-size"] self.marker_color = config["marker-color"] self.label_precision = config["label-precision"] self.template_nodeset = config["template-nodeset"] self.template_nodeset_name = config["template-nodeset-name"] self.flat_y_range = config["flat-y-range"] def set_temporary_file(self): self.temporary_file = open(join(gettempdir(), "pgfw-config"), "w") def set_background(self): surface = Surface(self.display_surface.get_size()) surface.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.background = surface def set_success_indicator(self): surface = Surface((10, 10)) surface.fill((0, 255, 0)) rect = surface.get_rect() rect.topleft = self.display_surface.get_rect().topleft self.success_indicator, self.success_indicator_rect = surface, rect def set_plot_rect(self): margin = self.margin self.plot_rect = self.display_surface.get_rect().inflate(-margin, -margin) def set_marker_frame(self): size = self.marker_size surface = Surface((size, size)) transparent_color = (255, 0, 255) surface.fill(transparent_color) surface.set_colorkey(transparent_color) line_color = self.marker_color aaline(surface, line_color, (0, 0), (size - 1, size - 1)) aaline(surface, line_color, (0, size - 1), (size - 1, 0)) self.marker_frame = surface def set_buttons(self): self.buttons = buttons = [] text = "Duplicate", "Write", "Delete", "Linear", "Cubic", "Split: No" x = 0 for instruction in text: buttons.append(Button(self, instruction, x)) x += buttons[-1].location.w + 10 def set_nodeset_index(self, increment=None, index=None): parent = self.parent if index is None: if not increment: index = 0 else: index = self.nodeset_index + increment limit = len(parent) - 1 if index > limit: index = 0 elif index < 0: index = limit self.nodeset_index = index self.set_nodeset_label() def set_nodeset_label(self): surface = self.font.render(self.get_nodeset().name, True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) rect = surface.get_rect() rect.bottomright = self.display_surface.get_rect().bottomright self.nodeset_label, self.nodeset_label_rect = surface, rect def get_nodeset(self): if not len(self.parent): self.parent.add_nodeset(self.template_nodeset_name, self.template_nodeset) self.set_nodeset_index(0) return self.parent[self.nodeset_index] def set_y_range(self): width = self.plot_rect.w nodeset = self.get_nodeset() self.y_range = y_range = [nodeset[0].y, nodeset[-1].y] x = 0 while x < width: y = nodeset.get_y(self.get_function_coordinates(x)[0]) if y < y_range[0]: y_range[0] = y elif y > y_range[1]: y_range[1] = y x += width * .01 if y_range[1] - y_range[0] == 0: y_range[1] += self.flat_y_range if self.split: self.adjust_for_split(y_range, nodeset) self.set_axis_labels() def get_function_coordinates(self, xp=0, yp=0): nodeset = self.get_nodeset() x_min, x_max, (y_min, y_max) = nodeset[0].x, nodeset[-1].x, self.y_range rect = self.plot_rect x = float(xp) / (rect.right - rect.left) * (x_max - x_min) + x_min y = float(yp) / (rect.bottom - * (y_min - y_max) + y_max return x, y def adjust_for_split(self, y_range, nodeset): middle = nodeset[0].y if self.split == self.S_LEFT else nodeset[-1].y below, above = middle - y_range[0], y_range[1] - middle if below > above: y_range[1] += below - above else: y_range[0] -= above - below def set_axis_labels(self): self.axis_labels = labels = [] nodeset, formatted, render, rect, yr = (self.get_nodeset(), self.get_formatted_measure, self.font.render, self.plot_rect, self.y_range) for ii, node in enumerate(nodeset[0::len(nodeset) - 1]): xs = render(formatted(node.x), True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) xsr = xs.get_rect() = rect.bottom if not ii: xsr.left = rect.left else: xsr.right = rect.right ys = render(formatted(yr[ii]), True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) ysr = ys.get_rect() ysr.right = rect.left if not ii: ysr.bottom = rect.bottom else: = labels.append(((xs, xsr), (ys, ysr))) def get_formatted_measure(self, measure): return "%s" % float(("%." + str(self.label_precision) + "g") % measure) def deactivate(self): = False = self.saved_mute_state self.display.set_mouse_visibility(self.saved_mouse_state) def respond_to_command(self, event): compare = if compare(event, "toggle-interpolator"): self.toggle() elif if compare(event, "reset-game"): self.deactivate() elif compare(event, "quit"): self.get_game().end(event) def toggle(self): if self.deactivate() else: self.activate() def activate(self): = True self.time_filter.close() self.saved_mute_state = self.draw() self.saved_mouse_state = self.display.set_mouse_visibility(True) def respond_to_mouse_down(self, event): redraw = False if and not nodeset_rect = self.nodeset_label_rect plot_rect = self.plot_rect if event.button == 1: pos = event.pos if nodeset_rect.collidepoint(pos): self.set_nodeset_index(1) redraw = True elif self.axis_labels[0][0][1].collidepoint(pos): text = "{0} {1}".format(*map(self.get_formatted_measure, self.get_nodeset()[0])) self.prompt.activate(text, self.resize_nodeset, 0) elif self.axis_labels[1][0][1].collidepoint(pos): text = "{0} {1}".format(*map(self.get_formatted_measure, self.get_nodeset()[-1])) self.prompt.activate(text, self.resize_nodeset, -1) else: bi = self.collide_buttons(pos) if bi is not None: if bi == self.B_WRITE: self.get_configuration().write() elif bi in (self.B_LINEAR, self.B_CUBIC): nodeset = self.get_nodeset() if bi == self.B_LINEAR: nodeset.set_interpolation_method(Nodeset.LINEAR) else: nodeset.set_interpolation_method(Nodeset.CUBIC) self.store_in_configuration() redraw = True elif bi == self.B_DUPLICATE: self.prompt.activate("", self.add_nodeset) elif bi == self.B_DELETE and len(self.parent) > 1: self.parent.remove(self.get_nodeset()) self.set_nodeset_index(1) self.store_in_configuration() redraw = True elif bi == self.B_SPLIT: self.toggle_split() redraw = True elif plot_rect.collidepoint(pos) and \ not self.collide_markers(pos): xp, yp = pos[0] - plot_rect.left, pos[1] - self.get_nodeset().add_node( self.get_function_coordinates(xp, yp)) self.store_in_configuration() redraw = True elif event.button == 3: pos = event.pos if nodeset_rect.collidepoint(pos): self.set_nodeset_index(-1) redraw = True elif plot_rect.collidepoint(pos): marker = self.collide_markers(pos) if marker: self.get_nodeset().remove(marker.node) self.store_in_configuration() redraw = True elif and and \ not self.prompt.rect.collidepoint(event.pos): self.prompt.deactivate() redraw = True if redraw: self.set_y_range() self.set_markers() self.draw() def resize_nodeset(self, text, index): result = match("^\s*(-{,1}\d*\.{,1}\d*)\s+(-{,1}\d*\.{,1}\d*)\s*$", text) if result: try: nodeset = self.get_nodeset() x, y = map(float,, 2)) if (index == -1 and x > nodeset[0].x) or \ (index == 0 and x < nodeset[-1].x): nodeset[index].y = y if index == -1: nodeset.resize(nodeset[0].x, x - nodeset[0].x) else: nodeset.resize(x, nodeset[-1].x - x) self.store_in_configuration() self.set_y_range() self.set_axis_labels() self.set_markers() self.draw() return True except ValueError: return False def collide_buttons(self, pos): for ii, button in enumerate(self.buttons): if button.location.collidepoint(pos): return ii def store_in_configuration(self): config = self.get_configuration() section = "interpolate" config.clear_section(section) for nodeset in self.parent: code = "L" if nodeset.interpolation_method == Nodeset.LINEAR else \ "C" for ii, node in enumerate(nodeset): if ii > 0: code += "," code += " {0} {1}".format(*map(self.get_formatted_measure, node)) if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) config.set(section,, code) def toggle_split(self): self.split += 1 if self.split > self.S_RIGHT: self.split = self.S_NONE self.buttons[self.B_SPLIT].set_frame(["Split: No", "Split: L", "Split: R"][self.split]) def add_nodeset(self, name): nodeset = self.get_nodeset() self.set_nodeset_index(index=self.parent.add_nodeset(\ name, nodeset, nodeset.interpolation_method)) self.store_in_configuration() self.draw() return True def collide_markers(self, pos): for marker in self.markers: if marker.location.collidepoint(pos): return marker def set_markers(self): self.markers = markers = [] for node in self.get_nodeset()[1:-1]: markers.append(Marker(self, node)) markers[-1] = self.get_plot_coordinates(*node) def get_plot_coordinates(self, x=0, y=0): nodeset = self.get_nodeset() x_min, x_max, (y_min, y_max) = nodeset[0].x, nodeset[-1].x, self.y_range x_ratio = float(x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) rect = self.plot_rect xp = x_ratio * (rect.right - rect.left) + rect.left y_ratio = float(y - y_min) / (y_max - y_min) yp = rect.bottom - y_ratio * (rect.bottom - return xp, yp def draw(self): display_surface = self.display_surface display_surface.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) display_surface.blit(self.nodeset_label, self.nodeset_label_rect) self.draw_axes() self.draw_function() self.draw_markers() self.draw_buttons() def draw_axes(self): display_surface = self.display_surface for xl, yl in self.axis_labels: display_surface.blit(*xl) display_surface.blit(*yl) def draw_function(self): rect = self.plot_rect surface = self.display_surface nodeset = self.get_nodeset() step = 1 for x in xrange(rect.left, rect.right + step, step): ii = x - rect.left fx = nodeset.get_y(self.get_function_coordinates(ii)[0]) y = self.get_plot_coordinates(y=fx)[1] if ii > 0: aaline(surface, self.curve_color, (x - step, last_y), (x, y)) last_y = y def draw_markers(self): for marker in self.markers: marker.update() def draw_buttons(self): for button in self.buttons: button.update() def respond_to_key(self, event): if prompt = self.prompt if event.key == K_RETURN: if prompt.callback[0](prompt.text, *prompt.callback[1]): prompt.deactivate() elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: prompt.text = prompt.text[:-1] prompt.update() prompt.draw_text() elif (event.unicode.isalnum() or event.unicode.isspace() or \ event.unicode in (".", "-", "_")) and len(prompt.text) < \ prompt.character_limit: prompt.text += event.unicode prompt.update() prompt.draw_text() def show_success_indicator(self): self.draw() if self.success_indicator_blink_count > 1: self.success_indicator_blink_count = 0 self.halt(self.show_success_indicator) else: if self.success_indicator_active: self.display_surface.blit(self.success_indicator, self.success_indicator_rect) if self.success_indicator_active: self.success_indicator_blink_count += 1 self.success_indicator_active = not self.success_indicator_active def save_temporary_file(self): fp = self.temporary_file fp.truncate() self.get_configuration().write(fp) def rearrange(self): self.set_background() self.set_success_indicator() self.set_plot_rect() self.set_markers() self.set_nodeset_label() self.set_axis_labels() self.set_buttons() self.prompt.reset() class Marker(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent, node): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) self.add_frame(parent.marker_frame) self.node = node class Button(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent, text, left): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) self.set_frame(text) self.location.bottomleft = left, \ self.get_display_surface().get_rect().bottom def set_frame(self, text): self.clear_frames() self.add_frame(self.parent.font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255))) class Prompt(Sprite): def __init__(self, parent): Sprite.__init__(self, parent) self.load_configuration() self.font = Font(None, self.text_size) self.reset() self.deactivate() def deactivate(self): = False def load_configuration(self): config = self.get_configuration("interpolator-gui") self.size = config["prompt-size"] self.border_color = config["prompt-border-color"] self.border_width = config["prompt-border-width"] self.character_limit = config["prompt-character-limit"] self.text_size = config["prompt-text-size"] def reset(self): self.set_frame() def set_frame(self): self.clear_frames() surface = Surface(self.size) self.add_frame(surface) surface.fill(self.border_color) width = self.border_width * 2 surface.fill((0, 0, 0), surface.get_rect().inflate(-width, -width)) def place(self): = self.display_surface.get_rect().center def activate(self, text, callback, *args): = True self.text = str(text) self.callback = callback, args self.update() self.draw_text() def draw_text(self): surface = self.font.render(self.text, True, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0)) rect = surface.get_rect() = self.display_surface.blit(surface, rect)