angle difference and ratio methods

This commit is contained in:
ohsqueezy 2022-07-23 18:55:27 -04:00
parent 7e31b5a1c0
commit d1cb24a785
7 changed files with 87 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/* /\ +--------------------------------------------------------------+
____/ \____ /| - zlib/MIT/Unlicenced game framework licensed to freely use, |
\ / / | copy, modify and sell without restriction |
+--\ ^__^ /--+ | |
| ~/ \~ | | - originally created at [] |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | +--------------------------------------------------------------+
/* /\ +------------------------------------------------------------+
____/ \____ /| zlib/MIT/Unlicenced game framework licensed to freely use, |
\ / / | copy, modify and sell without restriction |
+--\ ^__^ /--+ | |
| ~/ \~ | | Learn more about [SPACE BOX] at [] |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | +------------------------------------------------------------+
| SPACE ~~~~~ | /
| ~~~~~~~ BOX |/

View File

@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ void Delegate::cancel_propagation()
cancelling_propagation = true;
const std::string& Delegate::get_event_command(SDL_Event& event) const
const std::string& Delegate::get_event_command(SDL_Event& event)
return *static_cast<std::string*>(event.user.data1);
bool Delegate::get_event_cancel_state(SDL_Event& event) const
bool Delegate::get_event_cancel_state(SDL_Event& event)
return *static_cast<bool*>(event.user.data2);

View File

@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ public:
void add_subscriber(Subscriber, std::uint32_t);
void dispatch();
bool compare(SDL_Event&, const std::vector<std::string>&, bool = false, bool = false);
bool compare(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "", bool = false, bool = false);
bool compare_cancel(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "");
bool compare_neutral(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "");
static bool compare(SDL_Event&, const std::vector<std::string>&, bool = false, bool = false);
static bool compare(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "", bool = false, bool = false);
static bool compare_cancel(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "");
static bool compare_neutral(SDL_Event&, const std::string& = "");
void cancel_propagation();
const std::string& get_event_command(SDL_Event&) const;
bool get_event_cancel_state(SDL_Event&) const;
static const std::string& get_event_command(SDL_Event&);
static bool get_event_cancel_state(SDL_Event&);
template<typename T>
void subscribe(void(T::*f)(SDL_Event&), T* o, std::uint32_t type = command_event_type)

View File

@ -531,14 +531,6 @@ Audio& Game::get_audio()
return audio;
/* Applies delta timing to a vector: returns the passed vector as weighted by the amount of time passed since the
* last frame update, allowing for vector values to change the same amount over time independent of the frame rate */
glm::vec2 Game::weight(glm::vec2 motion)
return {weight(motion.x), weight(motion.y)};
void Game::run()

View File

@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ public:
const Input& get_input() const;
Input& get_input();
Audio& get_audio();
glm::vec2 weight(glm::vec2);
void run();
void frame(float);
void flag_to_end();
@ -120,9 +119,10 @@ public:
/* Applies delta timing to a value: returns the value as weighted by the amount of time passed since the
* last frame update, allowing for values to change the same amount over time independent of the frame rate */
* last frame update, allowing for values to change the same amount over time independent of the frame rate.
* The amount is how much the value should change per second. */
template<typename T>
float weight(T amount)
T weight(T amount)
return (last_frame_length / (1000.0 / 60)) * amount;

View File

@ -14,3 +14,13 @@ float sb::angle_between(glm::vec2 start, glm::vec2 end)
return glm::atan(end.x - start.x, end.y - start.y);
float sb::angle_difference(float start, float end)
return glm::atan(glm::sin(end - start), glm::cos(end - start));
float sb::angle_ratio(float start, float end)
return sb::angle_difference(start, end) / glm::pi<float>();

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
____/ \____ /| - zlib/MIT/Unlicenced game framework licensed to freely use, |
\ / / | copy, modify and sell without restriction |
+--\ ^__^ /--+ | |
| ~/ \~ | | - originally created at [] |
| ~/ \~ | | - originally created at [] |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | +--------------------------------------------------------------+
| SPACE ~~~~~ | /
| ~~~~~~~ BOX |/
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
Angle values are in radians. 0 is directly up on the screen in GL coordinates, and the angle increases
This test of points on a square and one point below the square should print the expected output:
This test of points on a square and one point below the square should print the output below it:
glm::vec2 a {5.0f, 5.0f}, b {1.0f, 1.0f}, c {1.0f, 5.0f}, d {5.0f, 1.0f}, e {5.0f, -1.0f};
std::cout << glm::degrees(sb::angle_between(a, b)) << " " << glm::degrees(sb::angle_between(b, a)) << " " <<
@ -25,11 +25,25 @@
sb::velocity_to_delta(sb::angle_between(d, a), 4.0f) << " " <<
sb::velocity_to_delta(sb::angle_between(b, e), 1.0f) << std::endl;
That should print:
Should print:
-135 45 -90 90 116.565 -63.435
{-4, -4} {4, 4} {0, 4} {0.894427, -0.447214}
This test of angle differences should print the output below it:
float a = 0.0f, b = glm::pi<float>(), c = glm::half_pi<float>(), d = 0.5f, e = glm::pi<float>() * 4;
std::cout << sb::angle_difference(a, b) << " " << sb::angle_difference(a, c) << " " << sb::angle_difference(b, c) << " " <<
sb::angle_difference(a, d) << " " << sb::angle_difference(c, d) << " " << sb::angle_difference(a, e) << " " <<
sb::angle_difference(c, e) << " " << sb::angle_difference(d, e) << " " << sb::angle_difference(c, c) << std::endl <<
sb::angle_ratio(a, b) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(a, c) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(b, c) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(a, d) << " " <<
sb::angle_ratio(c, d) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(a, e) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(c, e) << " " << sb::angle_ratio(d, e) << " " <<
sb::angle_ratio(c, c) << std::endl;
Should print:
-3.14159 1.5708 -1.5708 0.5 -1.0708 3.49691e-07 -1.5708 -0.5 0
-1 0.5 -0.5 0.159155 -0.340845 1.1131e-07 -0.5 -0.159155 0
#pragma once
@ -41,12 +55,48 @@
namespace sb
/* Convert a vector described by the given angle and magnitude to an X and Y offset vector. */
glm::vec2 velocity_to_delta(float, float);
* Convert a vector described by the given angle and magnitude to an X and Y offset vector.
* @param angle a float representing the angle of velocity in radians, with 0 being up on the screen and increasing
* values going clockwise
* @param magnitude a float representing the speed, or the magnitude of the input vector in the X/Y plane
* @return a glm::vec2 of the change in X and Y for the given velocity vector
glm::vec2 velocity_to_delta(float angle, float magnitude);
/* Convert a vector containing angle and magnitude to an X and Y offset vector. */
glm::vec2 velocity_to_delta(glm::vec2);
* @overload glm::vec2 velocity_to_delta(float angle, float magnitude)
glm::vec2 velocity_to_delta(glm::vec2 velocity);
/* Get the angle between two vectors, or the angle the first would rotate to to point toward the second. */
float angle_between(glm::vec2, glm::vec2);
* Get the angle between two vectors, or the angle the first would rotate to to point toward the second.
* @param start X/Y coordinates
* @param end X/Y coordinates
* @return an angle in radians
float angle_between(glm::vec2 start, glm::vec2 end);
* Get the signed shortest angle difference between two angles, or how much the first angle would have to rotate
* to be equivalent to the second angle. Negative is counter-clockwise, positive clockwise.
* @param start X/Y coordinates of the angle which the difference will be relative to
* @param end X/Y coordinates of the angle which the difference will be rotated to
* @return angle difference relative to the start parameter in radians
float angle_difference(float start, float end);
* Get the angle difference between two angles as a signed ratio of how much of a 180 degree turn it is. Negative
* is counter-clockwise, positive clockwise.
* @param start X/Y coordinates of the angle which the difference will be relative to
* @param end X/Y coordinates of the angle which the difference will be rotated to
* @return angle difference relative to the start parameter as a signed ratio of how much of a 180 degree
* turn it is.
float angle_ratio(float start, float end);