Emscripten webcam pixel data test ================================= This is a demo program for passing image data from an HTML5 canvas object in JavaScript to an OpenGL context in a C++ program. It can be useful, for example, for developing cross-platform applications that use the same codebase to export both desktop and web versions, or for using C++ libraries and code to edit and display images on a web page. It uses the [SPACEBOX][] engine to set up an SDL + GL environment and create a model conveniently, but it can be ported to just Emscripten. Setup ----- ### Emscripten Install the latest Emscripten version to a directory and specify the directory in the Makefile ### SPACE BOX The [SPACEBOX][] game and interactive application framework is required for setting up SDL + OpenGL. It is being used for convenience in setting up the rendering, but this technique can be used without it. Get it from https://git.nugget.fun/nugget/spacebox and specify the path to it in the Makefile. Compiling --------- Run at the root of the directory after setting up Emscripten and SPACEBOX make emscripten Running ------- Run at the root of the directory to create an HTTP server python -m http.server Browse to http://localhost:8000 to view the demo [SPACEBOX]: https://git.nugget.fun/nugget/spacebox