5 Software
frank edited this page 2023-05-17 16:03:10 -04:00


The game currently needs to be installed from the source code, though we plan to have pre-built executables available in the future. It can be played on any operating system as long as Python and Pygame are installed.


Windows and OS X

  1. Download the appropriate installer and follow the system-wide installation instructions.
  2. If prompted, choose to install pip (the Python package installer) alongside Python.


Most likely Python 3 is already installed. If not, install it from the package manager. For example, on Raspberry Pi, run

sudo apt install python3


Windows and OS X

Download and install from https://git-scm.com/downloads.


Install from the package manager

sudo apt install git


Windows and OS X

Pip should have been installed in the first step alongside Python. If not, see PIP getting started. After pip is installed, call it from the command line to install Pygame and the Python imaging library (PIL). On Windows, this can be done with Powershell. On OS X, use Terminal.

python -m pip install pygame pillow


Install pip from the package manager

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install pygame and the Python imaging library (PIL) through pip

sudo pip install pygame pillow


Use Git clone with the --recursive flag to download both Scrapeboard and the Pygame framework it uses from the command line (or PowerShell on Windows and Terminal on OS X). This can also be done from a Git GUI.

git clone --recursive https://open.shampoo.ooo/scrape/scrapeboard
cd scrapeboard/


Launch from command line

It should be possible to run in keyboard mode and test input with key presses now. The --no-serial flag indicates to use keyboard mode because there is no Arduino attached. Press F11 to switch between windowed and fullscreen.

python OPEN-GAME --no-serial
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